Fear is Ok

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It was midnight, nobody should have been awake on Tracy Island, but as usual somebody was awake. Scott thought that everyone else was asleep. Scott couldn't sleep and he didn't know why, they had been on a back to back mission. Scott had been tried when they got home that was two hours ago, Virgli had ordered them to bed, so they all would be well rested for their next emergency.

"Scott, why are you still awake?" came john's quiet voice from the side of him.

"John, shouldn't you be asleep?" said Scott, ignoring John's question.

"Well, sadly in space, I have a different body clock than you guys." said John, "Now answer my question: Why are you not asleep? I was watching you earlier and you were asleep on your feet. Seriously Scott, go to sleep."

"John...John...John" John looked at Scott and could tell something was wrong.

"Scott, I am coming down now. You have just made three attempts to start your sentence and all you managed to say is John. You don't get much choice I am coming down and you will talk to me and that is that!" Scott heard everything John had said but was not entirely sure what he was meant to tell is his younger brother. It was not something that was easy for him to talk about. It was something that he had been struggling with since mum died.

"So are you going to tell me?" said John, who was now stood at Scott's door, wearing his Pjs. John walked over to Scott and sat next to him on the bed, "Or do I have to force you to tell me?"

"Well, I don't know where to begin."

"How bout form the beginning?"

"Well, I have had trouble sleeping ever since mum died and I was left to do all of the work and take care of all of you." John slipped under the covers with Scott, trying to keep them both warm. "Scott, why didn't you tell us?"

"I was scared. I was scared you would think of me as a coward and not look up to me the way you do now." John slipped his arm around his older brother.

"Scott, we will always look up to you. Nothing will every change that. You are our big brother and will always be. Nothing will ever change that. So don't wear yourself out and run your self down. What are you even scared off?"

"Well...I am scared off..." Scott looked at his younger brother, his turquoises eyes stood out in the dark. Scott could see the fear in his eyes and the worry about what his older brother was keeping from him. "John, I am scared of losing you."


"I am scared of losing you like we lost mum and dad." said Scott, leaned on John's shoulder. John was usually not one for physical touch, but he would usually comfort his siblings if he knew something was really wrong.

"Scott, it is ok, to have fears they make us stronger. Everybody is scared of something. I m scared that something will happen to you guys and I can't do anything to stop you guys from getting hurt. It is ok, we will always be together. Nothing will take us apart."

"Thanks, John. You have always had the words of wisdom."

"Hey, that's why you have siblings." The two oldest Tracy's sat together, it wasn't long before both of them feel asleep. EOS sat watching the Tracy's, she knew what all of them needed. John and Scott needed each other and EOS knew by showing John that Scott was struggling to sleep. That they would spend the time that they needed together.

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