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amalgam (n.):
-a mixture of different elements

amphora (n.):
-a tall ceramic wine jar

divulge (v.):
-to make known

impervious (v.):
-not capable of being affected or disturbed

maverick (n.):
-an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party

obstinate (adj.):
-not easily subdued, remedied, or removed

quixotic (adj.):
-foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals
especially: marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action
-"capricious", "unpredictable"

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Kim Seokjin

00:00 -|--------------------------------------- 04:00

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Jung Hoseok, a son of Poseidon, was the youngest prince of the Kingdom of Mercury. His kingdom was where most packages, and letters would pass through, before being sent by the sons and apprentices of Hermes. His hair's hue was a deep blue like the ocean, skin as white as sea foams, and teeth as bright as oyster pearls. He was the definition of sunshine — his energetic quality as a proof — no one could explain this, seeing as he was a son of Poseidon, and not Apollo's.

The said male opened his messenger bag and took out a little envelope. It was an off-white, with the red seal with a helmet preventing the envelope from opening. The seal served as an indication of which kingdom it was from, and judging by the way the seal only held a helmet; it was from the Kingdom of Mars. And, perhaps, Taehyung had an idea of who it's from.

"It was addressed to you, by some soldier in the Kingdom of Mars," extending a hand, Hoseok gave the younger prince the letter, confirming the what the latter suspected.

Once the letter was in his hands, the receiver only nodded and turned Pearl around. He lead them to a garden gazebo placed far away from the palace, where the five bowing attendees were already waiting. It was a four-pillared kiosk with a triangular roof placed on top. The columns were white Doric designs, holding up the gray roof, and connecting it to the white cemented floor. There were three gray couches, with two facing each other. A small coffee table was in the middle, with roses in a vase.

The gazebo was lit up with small candles placed around the ceiling. It was magnificent, to say the least. Curtains were tied around the pillar, preparing to be used when needed. Dismissing the five women, the young prince dismounted his horse, followed by his courtier — who hadn't unwrapped his arms since then. The others followed, instantly entering the gazebo to prevent a heat stroke in the middle of a field.

Allagí, now a small pup, sat on one of the couches, reserving a place for him and his owner. Meanwhile, Pearl sat on the space between the couch's arm and the gazebo's pillar. Hoseok sat across from the animals, amused by their behavior. The pink-haired stranger and Yoongi sat on each of his sides. Seokjin and Namjoon sat on the last couch and held hands, with the older prince leaning on the white-haired male. The five guests saw Taehyung whisper something in the young attendee's ear, making Jungkook nod at him then walk away.

"While waiting for Jeon, let's have a little chat," the young prince suggested, sitting beside Allagí who placed his head on the prince's lap. "I see you have a new friend, yet I haven't been informed," he teased his friends across from him with a slight smirk.

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