"Rooftop Tings"

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        Annya had a wild week so far, and now it was Friday

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        Annya had a wild week so far, and now it was Friday. Boy was she ready to relax... and maybe party a little bit. You see,  Annya had always been a wild girl, always ready to put on a show or do something crazy. So, naturally, when she was offered performance gigs at the old bar down the street, she was utterly ecstatic. Think about it, free fries, you get paid to sing, and you can party until 2am with bar-goers. The only downside was well- actually, there is no real downside, she loved it there. Nishinoya even worked there! She was so excited to go down there tonigh- 

Annya was thrown out of her daydreaming as she heard someone begin to speak to her.

"What about you Annya? What're you doing this weekend?" asked Kirishima, munching on his lunch.

"O-oh, me? I don't know probably nothing important-" once again, cut off.

"Come onnnn, you're so much fun you've gotta be doing somethinggg~" Denki commented.

"Actually, I'll probably be at the bar all weekend." Annya said, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

"I know it's kinda weird, you know, a 15 year old spending her weekend around drunk people." she added.

"Yeah.. maybe... what're you doing there anyway?" asked Mina.

"Oh! Well the owner is like a parental figure to me so she lets me sing and perform there on weekends! She doesn't like when I  perform on weekdays though because she always says ' your well-being is the most important ' and I love her I really do..." the excited girl continued on and on talking about the bar and how much adoration she had for the old building and such. The teens at the table (Sero, Denki, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Mina ) just listened to the cute girl go on about the bar with fond expressions on their faces admiring her passion. They thought is was adorable how much she loved the staff there and how she told them about the little details she remembered. 

"You know pumpkin, we should all totally come see you sing sometime!" Denki suggested.

"P-pumpkin? And what? Come see me?" Annya's face had reddened at his comment.

"Oh yeah! I've decided to start calling you pumpkin, because it's cute just like you! And yeah we could come see you sing!" Denki stated. Annya laughed at his analogy and just nodded.

"I mean sure if you want I guess, I usually get there at around 9 so you could come around then! Oh and I can introduce you to the regulars and the staff! It would be so fun!" she exclaimed. The table agreed among themselves, even Bakugou, that going could be fun and made a plan to meet up at 8:50 tonight to hang out at the bar. Needless to say, the bright girl was ecstatic. 


As the table chatted and laughed, telling jokes and throwing food occasionally, Annya glanced towards the clock hanging on the wall in the cafeteria. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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