"Mamma Mia"

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       She stood there looking up at the massive building that lay before her. It was adorned with large glass windows and steel, yet it was elegant. To her left stood her brother, Nishinoya Yuu. The smell of rain and wet earth filled the two teens noses as they took in the scenery. The girl wore a large smile as she looked over at her brother. They both nodded to each other as they made eye contact. This was it. U.A.

    They set off towards the door, both of them excited for their futures. This is the beginning of it all-



She laughed loudly, "Nishinoya you fucking idiot-"


      Annya wasted no time as she and her brother hurried through the halls giggling as they dodged stray students bustling about. She soon saw the gigantic door labels as '1A'. Her impulsive nature taking over, she pushed to door wide open, taking in the scene. The first thing she saw was a boy with blue hair and broad shoulders walking over to greet her. She couldn't pay attention for long before her moronic brother came barreling into her from behind, knocking the girl onto the ground. Noya's eyes widened as he realized he'd knocked down his sister. She was helped up as multiple pairs of eyes stared at her and her brother. 


She and her brother made eye contact as they spontaneously both started laughing. 

"So much for first impressions-" Annya whispered whilst letting out little giggles.

"Fellow Classmate! Are you alright?"

It was the blue haired boy.

"Oh yeah! I'm just peachy!" the curly-haired girl said with a smile

"My brother's just an idiot-"

She was met with a light smack to the back of her head.

The blue haired boy nodded sharply, as if he was just told something in a business meeting.

" That's good to see! I'm Iida Tenya from Soumei Academy!" He reached out to shake her hand very professionally. She giggled at this and took his hand and shook it happily. 

"Yuu Annya, nice to meet cha'." She nodded at the boy smiling.

"I like your glasses, they make you look very professional, like those fancy businessmen on the subway." she said pointing at his square-framed glasses.

"W-why thank you! I always aim to be professional!"  Iida exclaimed with loud tone.

"Mhm! Well I gotta go find my seat mister professional, talk to ya' later." she said with a grin, motioning for her brother to do the same.

"Of course!" he replied enthusiastically. 

     The girl made her way to what seemed to be her desk, right in front of a boy with fluffy blonde hair. He wore an annoyed expression as he looked around. She sat down putting her patched up backpack near her seat, taking out a pencil just in case. She then took out her phone and tangled up earbuds. She began to untangle the wretched things  when her elbow knocked off her pencil. It hit the floor with a quiet 'clank' before rolling behind her seat. Just her luck too, right at angry boy's foot. Oops. Thinking nothing of it, she turned around in her seat and began to speak to the bitter boy. 

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