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"Young Aizawa!" Jesus Christ, he can't have a moment of quiet, can he? Puffing out a hot breath of air, Shota turned to the former symbol of peace, "When Kayama and Majima told me you were making your way around the staff room for one-on-one meetings I didn't quite believe them, but..." A bead of sweat rolled down All Might's face and the erasure hero's slightly smirked. Is he scared? How interesting.

"Making my way around, huh? Yeah... Anyway," All Might tensed at his lack of an answer, "this meeting isn't actually related to you at all, we just need to talk through you to someone else." No matter how much the blond baffoon irritated him, he can't deny that the man definitely had connections from his time as the number one hero. A single bad review from the guy could ruin your entire career, maybe even your family's, too. Not that he would ever do that, though, the guy's too nice to realize his own power.

"Oh," His relief was palpable but Shota could tell he was trying his hardest to hide it. He guessed he should be flattered, "well in that case, who is it?"

The underground hero sighed.

"Detective Tsukauchi." Truth be told, he could always just talk to the man himself. After all, every time he dragged said criminal's body through the doors of the police station, Tsukauchi was the one who made sure no one mistook him for the villain instead. Being the underground hero he was, half of his job included some things a little more major than regular petty crime. And during all of those instances, whether it be party-crashing a drug raid or infiltrating a corrupt company with a false identity, Tsukauchi was usually the one by his side.

So yeah, they definitely had a strong work relationship that was built on mutual trust and respect. But that's only when it came to hero work. When it came to more complex matters, like- Oh, I don't know, tearing a hero school to the ground?- the detective made it as clear as possible that he wanted nothing to do with Aizawa and whatever logical ruse he was planning. But All Might? The two were besties. He didn't exactly know why, but yeah.

"Naomasa?" See? First name basis. His plan is working already. "I don't understand, don't you interact with him almost every week?" Well, someone was bound to ask.

"Yes, but unfortunately, he wouldn't go near my request with a ten-foot pole. You, on the other hand..." Is he being manipulative? Yes. Does he care? Slightly, but only because he knows the detective is gonna get petty revenge on him if he ever finds out what he did.

"W-what exactly is the request?" Yagi asked in a wavering voice.

"I need access to a specific type of criminal files, as much as he can offer without making it seem suspicious." Okay, well, he probably could have phrased that better.

"Criminal files? D-define what you mean by specific type. Wait no, why do you need them at all?" Shota opened his mouth to reply but shut it just as fast. Yes, he could give a lengthy answer, and waste his breath trying to dumb things down for All Might. Or, he can snap his fingers at the analytical green bean next to him and allow the kid to let out the mumblings that he has been repressing ever since Shota told him the plan. Yeah, he'll go for the latter.

Plus, it's been a day since he last did it, and he's getting quite antsy as it has quickly become his new favorite thing to do. Shota did the snapping/pointing gesture at Midoriya and smirked as the kid shot up in his seat a gleam in his eye.

"It's for social awareness day!" Midoriya did a small jazz hands motion, "In about four hours, all of the students will be gathered in the assembly room for a mandatory presentation on villain psychology. Normally you'd think that only hero course students would need to see this, but this is a matter that involves everyone. It'll be on the villain's crimes, their motives, their personal life, their work life, their school life, whether or not they should actually be defined as a 'villain', and so on." Now that the kid says it, it's quite a long list. How long is this presentation going to be, again? Do they even have enough time to- scratch that, of course, they do. Midoriya always has this supernatural way of accomplishing things that no one else should be able to.

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