"I was dead." Dick said with a sigh. "The court of owls stole my corpse and revived it using their Electrum." Dick shuddered at the thought. "They trained me to be their Talon and wanted me to kill for them. I refused every time, but they would punish me..." Dick's voice broke and Babs tightened her grip on him.

"You were alive all this time..."

Dick only nodded in response, burying his head in Babs' shoulder.

Babs sat down on Dick's bed, readjusting her hold on him.

That was when Dick finally noticed the back brace that was wrapped around Babs' torso. "What's this?" He asked, touching it gently.

"Oh, that... While you were gone Joker shot me and I was temporarily paralyzed. I finally got through all of the physical therapy, but the doctors insist I keep this thing on for another month or so, and no strenuous physical activities either." Babs stated.

Dick tightened his grip on her. "I'm so sorry. That must have been horrible." He said, lifting his head to look Babs in the eyes.

Babs let out a soft chuckle, "Says the one who was brought back to life and tortured for basically 5 years."

Dick gave her a sheepish smile before asking, "So what else have you been up to for these past 5 years?"

"Well, I went to college, became a police officer, became Oracle while I couldn't be Batgirl, and dated a few guys here and there." Babs said, blushing at her last statement.

Surprisingly, Dick didn't seem to mind that she had dated other guys. They had been dating when he died, and after that he obviously wasn't there, so he was glad she'd been able to continue to live her life. "That's great Babs. Are you dating anyone right now?" Dick asked, genuinely curious (for personal reasons).

"No." Babs said with a huge sigh. "The last guy I dated was a huge jerk. M'gann and Artemis finally convinced me to dump him a few weeks ago."

"Well, maybe, since you're not in another relationship, we could go out sometime." Dick said, giving Babs a sly grin.

This made Babs chuckle again. "Smooth Grayson, real smooth." He smiled as she lightly elbowed him in the side. "So, how are you doing with all of this? Coming back home after so long."

"I actually didn't remember anything when I came back, I just knew I couldn't kill... And then I helped Bruce escape and he brought me here with him where I eventually got my memories back. It has been weird though. Seeing everyone so much older... being so much older. Meeting Dami and seeing Jason alive. It's all been a bit overwhelming if I'm being honest." Dick gave Babs a small forced smile.

By this time Bruce had left, most likely to go back to sleep.

Babs leaned her head on Dick's shoulder and rubbed circles on his back.

A few tears slipped down Dick's cheeks and his breathing hitched as he began to cry. "Everything reminds me of them... the court. Every time I'm alone I... I feel like one of them is going to jump out of the shadows and drag me back to them." Dick whispered.

Ace got up and came to lay partially on Dick's lap, the dog's presence helping to calm his shaking owner.

"They know who I am... It's just a matter of time before they come to get me back." Dick deadpanned.

"We'll be there to make sure that doesn't happen Dick. Your friends and family. We will protect you... Not to mention you have your loyal crime fighting hound." Babs said, trying to lighten the mood.

A small smile appeared on Dick's face and he let his fingers get lost in Ace's thick fur as he pet the dog.

"I guess that is true. If anyone can stand up to the court it's the bat family." Dick took a shaky calming breath.

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