Dream got a permanent scar on his cheek after protecting a Princess from an incoming arrow. What sucked even more was that it was poisoned. Luckily, he's grown a sort of immunity to poison after years of being a victim to poison. Year after year, someone would attempt to poison either him or a royal. It was terrible.

His shift went by fast. It went from walking Sam to the field to walking him back into the Kingdom in what felt like a matter of seconds. He quickly bid the Royals goodbye before setting off to the UnFound Kingdom.

He felt excited to see George, but he also dreaded the thought of having to spend six hours with him.

The guards let him through the gates with no hesitation, as it was officially announced that he was the new knight for Prince George. On the hours he isn't with George, some other knight is there taking watch of him.

He wondered who, but if he had to take a guess, it would probably be someone B-Stat. Unlike Dream who was S-Stat. In the day was when assassinations were least common, it was in the late afternoons when it usually happened. The bodies were easily disposed that way.

"George is in his room, Dream." The King said deeply, "Thank you, your Highness." He walked up the stone steps, knocking on the wooden door as he waited for George to open it.

The door then creaked open, the Prince waving for him to walk in. "Your Highness." He bowed, George cringing and nodding. Dream stood up, making eye contact with George who turned away immediately. "I'm a little relieved you've arrived if I'm being honest," He said walking towards his bed, a few books scattered on it.

"I did research on you since you probably can't talk about your life." George started, Dream immediately tensing up. He probably found a few things he didn't want him to find out.

"Come sit." He patted a spot next to his bed, Dream obeying. "For starters, I got a book that had information on all the knights in the world. It was made last year so it's reliable." He flipped through the pages of the red book, some corners of the pages folded.

"It took me a while to find you, but look," The page had a picture of the mugshot-like pictures all knights had to take when becoming official. The page was filled to the tip of information of himself. It creeped him out, it made him uncomfortable.

"I haven't read the second page yet." George said looking up at Dream. "I wanted your permission first." Dream raised his eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I've read enough to know you're a real knight..." He started, running his fingers across the page filled with tiny letters. "But I don't know if you're comfortable with me knowing so much about you on a personal level."

Dream stared at the single page, wondering what it may have written on it. Was it safe for George to read? Was it right? "If it's okay with you Highness, I'd like to read it to see if it's appropriate for you to read."

George nodded, passing him the book while grabbing a thinner one.

Dream (Real Name Unknown)
Age: 21
Status Level: S
Born: August 12th

Dream is a well known Knight, particularly known for saving the lives of many Princes and Princesses across the world.

He began working at age 16 after two years if training. He was officially certified by The Ministry of Knights on his birthday. To this day he continues to work for only Princes.

He skimmed through the right-page, the page only talking about his father's work and death. Apart from that, there was nothing more.

He turned the page to see a Knight named Dill, someone he didn't know. "You can read the second page, Highness. It does not reveal too much about me specifically." He said, handing the book back to George.


He turned to the Prince, "Why do you keep your name private?" Dream stayed silent, the Prince placing the thin book down while waiting for his answer. "It has a bad history behind it, I don't quite like it so I go by Dream."

George hummed, picking up the three books he had on his bed and placing them down on the floor. "How long has it been like that?"

Dream nearly shrugged, but caught himself and regained his composure. "Since I was thirteen, my real name seems more fake to me now." George nodded, sliding him two sheets of parchment paper, a neat ink writing on each one. "You've opened up to me so..."

Dream picked up the papers, looking at George who was looking down. "It's only fair that I do too." He mumbled, nervously rubbing his neck. Dream held back a smile, appreciating the Prince's act.

On May 18th of this year, my mom hired a Knight to protect me. They made a mistake in not doing a background check, nor did they check credentials to see if he was real. He seemed normal at first, or at least to me who had never had a Knight. Only maids and servants who kept watch on me.

One day though, my parents were gone on a business trip. On that day, he began acting nicer than he usually would.

He wouldn't stop asking me about whether I would want to see the stars when I died, or if I wanted to see the moon. I caught on to his odd behavior and tried to go to the bathroom, only to get stabbed on my shoulder the way there.

He had meant to go for my neck, but a maid who forgot something in my room surprised the both of us when she called my name out. He ended up running away, leaving me to almost bleed out. I don't know much about him, I just know his name was Shlat or something. He never returned, but since that day, attempted assassinations on me have been rising and I can no longer be anywhere by myself. Hence why I cannot go out during the day, and only when I am under YOUR supervision.

It is strange, but since you're an S-Stat Knight, I feel much safer, rather than fearing for my life when I step out of the Kingdom for even a second.

That is all I really wanted to say. I felt I needed to explain why I was so persistent on finding out your real name, but I have seen enough to know you are real.

Dream wasn't focused on anything apart from the name he had just read. Schlatt. He knew that name all too well, they went way back. He turned to George who was swinging his feet on the edge of the bed.

"Highness, I will put my life on the line if it means protecting you. You can rest assured, no harm will come your way when I am by your side." He said, placing a hand to his heart. A knight's way of solemnly swearing to what they just said.

George looked at him with wide eyes, but they melted back into their normal state, smiling slightly at Dream. "Thank you, I appreciate that."


George looked at him confused, "I have some information on that man. Except I'm not sure if I am allowed to speak to you about it."

George sat up at Dream's words, looking at him with desperation. "If you couldn't, father would have said so." He said, staring intensely at Dream.

"Promise me you will not leak any of this information, Highness."

George put a hand on his heart and bowed, "I hereby declare, that I, George Henry Davidson of the UnFound Kingdom, will not leak any information I will be told." He said, strongly looking back at Dream.

Dream didn't know if it was right to tell him, but he felt bad for the Prince. So he decided, to hell with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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