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Shotaro smiled as he cheered Sungchan on from afar.

The blonde thought that he was doing a great job at being a cheerleader, until heard Renjun.

"YES SUNGCHAN YOU ARE KILLING IT!" Screamed the latter as he waved his arms around, causing other students to turn and stare.

"Recruiting him was such a good idea!" Exclaimed Renjun as shook the smiling blonde.

Shotaro just giggled with a nod.

The second half of the game soon took place, and the other team seemed more pumped up than ever.

Shotaro watched with worry as Sungchan tripped over, due to another player.

The game was coming to a commence, and the two teams were tied.

No one knew if the brunette would last.

Shotaro could no longer watch Sungchan in pain, and bravely began to stand up.


Afterwards it stood silent as people began to stare at him.

Renjun just stayed still for a moment, before joining.

"JUNG SUNGCHAN!" Chanted the Chinese.

Taeyong and Jaehyun followed.

Soon, the whole school was chanting the brunette's name.

Sungchan just stared in awe, before pushing himself up.

The crowd blared with cheers.

Sungchan dominated after that.

With just the blow of a whistle, Sungchan dribbled the ball with ease, dodging players with his skill.

Shotaro anxiously watched as Sungchan stood in front of the goalie.

There were only about 30 seconds before the game would end.

Sungchan then took a deep breath before kicking the ball with full force.

"GOAL!" Screamed the students.

Shotaro jumped up with a cheer, Taeyong and Jaehyun whistled, while Renjun looked like he was going to sob with joy.

The school hadn't won a game in a long time.

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