『 CHAPT. 18 』

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© 𝐞𝐱𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

© 𝐞𝐱𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎

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❝ soon to be. ❞

             Taymor smiled at the sight of his best friend through the facetime call, leaning his head into his hand as he glanced out the window of the car. " She looks okay, I just hope she's feeling okay." Taymor spoke, watching the older boy move around in the camera. Nick had called to check up on his pregnant best friend— seeing as he heard the sad news about Tay's grandmother. " I'm just trying to relax, I've been so stressed and—" Taymor was cut off abruptly when Nicholas suddenly yelled at him.

" Stop stressing! You're going to hurt my God baby," Nick pouted, leaning his head onto Ben's shoulder in the camera. " Ms. McIntyre is perfectly fine, you saw for yourself and now your going to see again." the caramel colored boy stated, finality in his voice. Taymor could see his boyfriend out the corner of his eye, nodding in agreement whilst keeping his eyes on the rode. The mocha colored boy let out a small sigh, nodding his head. He hadn't even thought about the baby's safety— how stressing could potentially hurt the unborn. He was growing attached to the little person growing inside him and he didn't want to potentially lose him or her.

" Okay, okay," Taymor stated, relaxing his body into the seat of the car as he watched his boyfriend pulling into the parking lot of the hospital. " I'm going to call you back, Nick. We here, I love you." the boy continued, watching as Nicholas blowed kisses into the camera before he hung up. Tay unbuckled his seatbelt, taking the offered mask from Joe's hand before he slipped one side behind his ear.

" Hey?" Joseph called, catching his lovers attention. Taymor looked up at him, getting slightly caught off guard from the sensational kiss that his boyfriend had provided him with— although, he quickly responded, moving his lips in sync with the man in front of him. Joe slowly pulled back, pecking the boys lips one last time before he completely sat up. " It's gone be 'ight mama's." the man stated, watching a small smile grow onto his boyfriends face. The couple made their way into the hospital, their movements familiar as they make their way up to Taymor's grandmothers room.

Soon, they were on the elevator going up to the designated floor. The couple stood hand in hand, a comfortable silence coming over them. The elevator made a dinging noise, stopping at a different floor to let someone else on. The woman stepped into the elevator, smiling at the two as she tapped onto a number, watching the doors close. " Oh you are so cute, is this your big brother?" the woman asked, leaning down to Taymor's height a bit. The two males scrunched up their face, before Tay let out a small laugh.

" Oh, no ma'am. This is my boyfriend, we're currently expecting," the boy said, joy filling his veins at the thought of their little baby he's currently growing. The woman's smile completely dropped and she took a step back, a disgusted look on her face. The small boy stood confused. " I'm sorry, did I do some—." Joseph cut the boy off, standing in front of him protectively. Taymor hadn't experienced homophobia yet and he was completely oblivious to it. The woman scoffed at the man, the elevator dinging letting them know they were at their designated floor.

" Cmon, Tay." Joe stated, grabbing the boys hand and quickly pulling him out of the elevator. A frown had etched itself onto the boys face, still oblivious to the situation. But, Joseph didn't want him to experience it. He didn't want the boy to know about the evil in this world. The two walked quietly down the hallway, Taymor allowing his boyfriend to guide him to the designated room. Completely forgetting about the situation— a wide smile had grown onto the boys face at the sight of his grandmother awake in her room. He watched her through the glass, quickly running up to it and pressing his body up against the window. Joseph laughed at the boys childish antics, watching as he caught his grandmothers eye.

Tiara smiled gently at the sight of her grandson, relief to feel his presence. She watched as Taymor made a heart with his hands, slowly bringing it down to his stomach. The woman thought for a second, before realization hit her— she was going to be a great grandmother. She clapped her hands quietly, blowing a kiss to the boy. Tiara missed her grandson, and couldn't wait to see him soon— in person.


A small sigh escaped Taymor's lips as he pushed open the door to his and Joe's home, walking in with his lover following suit. The boy already missed his grandmother, but he knew she was okay. And that was all that mattered. Joseph pushed the door closed behind them, placing the bag of food onto the counter he had just recently bought. " Tay, you sho' you gone eat this shit?" Joseph asked skeptically, eyeing the bag of sushi. Taymor had a random craving of sushi earlier once they left the hospital, and of course— he forced Joseph to buy it.

The small boy nodded, taking a seat onto one of the bar stools at the counter, pulling a container out that contained salmon. " Yea, i just suddenly had a taste for it," Tay started, opening the container and grabbing a piece of salmon with his fingers. " I guess it's apart of my pregnancy harmons." he continued, shrugging his shoulders as he placed the raw fish into his mouth with no hesitation. Joseph cringed as he watched the boy eat the food with no shame. " It's actually really good— ou, do you think this will be good with salt?!" the boy chirped, his eyes widening at the idea. The older mentally face palmed, seeing as he would have to deal with this for the next eight months.

" I guess, mama." the man mumbled, walking up to their pantry and grabbing the salt out of it before he handed it to his impregnated lover. He watched as Taymor poured a decent enough amount of the salt onto his salmon, before taking a bite— visibly enjoying it. This was going to be a long eight months, for the both of them.


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© 𝐞𝐱𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎


thinking about writing a full on horror book, stay tuned.

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