24. A Friendly Advice

Start from the beginning

Jeein shook her head once again and grabbed both of my shoulders firmly. "No, you need to tell him sooner, before he found out from someone else. It's way better to hear first from you, Hyeyoon. Let him know that he can trust you wholly,"

I nodded, as I agreed to her suggestion. "Alright, I'll let him know the story as soon as I can," I said finally.

As I said so, I was planning to tell him everything once I was back from the trip. Or should I just spill everything before the departure? Since Kiyong would drop me off at the airport this afternoon before he left for Busan for another business trip.

I was done packing with the stuff and locked my 24-inch suitcase. I dragged it to the corner of the room and laid on my bed. It was still 9 AM. I had 6 more hours before leaving for the airport. Rowoon told me to arrive at the airport before 5 PM.

* * *

"Is it all?" Kiyong loaded my suitcase into the trunk.

I nodded and followed him got into the car. He was dressing casual today. Right after dropping me by the airport, Kiyong would pick up Gunjoo at his place and they were heading to Busan. He started the engine and slowly speeding up out of my apartment basement.

"How long you'll stay at Busan?" I asked him as he was turning the car to enter the highway.

"Maybe a day or two," he answered. "It depends on how long we took to handle the problem there. Why? Missed me already?" he grinned while teasing me and I couldn't help a smile.

"Yes. I'm gonna miss you, a lot, Mr. Jang," I said and mischievously poking him by his biceps.

"Eh, what are you doing Miss Kim? That's dangerous while I'm driving," he dodged it playfully. I laughed.

We talked mostly about work and anything else during the 45 minutes journey. I just realized we were near the destination when Kiyong turned the car to the highway exit. 10 more minutes to the destination and I suddenly felt uneasy.

Glancing at the digital clock on the dashboard, showed 20 minutes to 5 PM. I wasn't late though.

"You're not late, aren't you?" Kiyong caught my anxiety and concern showed on his face.

"No, no, we're good," we weren't late. But I couldn't help to feel nervous. I thought I would be fine, but the nearer we were driving to the Airport, the more I felt anxious.

I was then suddenly thinking of telling Kiyong everything. Before I was leaving the country. At least, I was hoping this simple honesty would ease my mind a little bit. I stole a glance at the man driving beside me and he was still focusing his sight on the road.

"Oppa," I called him softly.

"Hm?" he responded shortly with a hum and turned to look at me slightly.

I didn't know where to start nor I knew what to say. I hesitated for a moment.

"What is it, baby?" he asked again.

I stared at the man and a gush of guilty feeling surfaced. Biting my lower lips, I shook my head and swallowed back my guts. I had to tell him everything but not like this. Telling him the proper way should be better than rushing it without any preface.

Kiyong was seen waiting for my words to come out. I cleared my throat and smiled at him. "I'll be back soon right after finishing the work, how about a date later at Namsan Tower?" I initiated.

Just exactly as I thought. Kiyong smiled widely and quickly agreed to the invitation. "How about a romantic dinner?" he added. This time was my turn to flashed a wide smile. I knew he had been waiting for this moment. So, might as well granting his wish to have a proper romantic date and possibly an event.

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