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LEADER- Twigstar- she-cat- gray tabby

DEPUTY- Duskblaze- she-cat- ginger tabby

MEDICINE CAT- Sunwatcher- tom- golden tabby, white paws 


Bounceleap- tom- ginger tabby, white paws

Snowflame- she-cat- white pelt

Firefrost- she-cat- white with ginger paws, eartips and tail tip

Icefur- tom- white pelt

Stormfeather- tom- dark gray

Dawnlight- she-cat- light ginger

Lionpounce- tom- long furred golden tabby

Tawnyshade- she-cat- tortoiseshell with black paws

Troutstripe- tom- gray/brown tabby

Thunderheart- tom- thick gray pelt

Alderclaw- tom- dark ginger with white splotch on chest

Skyrunner- she-cat- dark ginger tabby

Driftbreeze- she-cat- brown tabby

Swiftfall- she-cat- light brown tabby

Tigercloud- tom- dark brown tabby with white paws, belly, and chest


Echosplash- she-cat- very dark gray tabby- mother of Jaykit (gray tabby she-cat with two distinctive black stripes beside each eye, white paws and underbelly, black eartips) and Ravenkit (black tom)

Dovepelt- she-cat- gray tabby- mother to Alderkit (dark ginger tom; white paws)

Silversky- she-cat- mother to Hazelkit (tan tabby she-cat), Frostkit (spotted light gray she-cat), and Robinkit (gray/brown she-cat)

Lynxfur- she-cat- mother to Blackkit (black tabby tom) and Heatherkit (light brown she-cat)


Storktail- tom- white with brown spots

Stonewish- she-cat- gray tabby


LEADER- Spotstar- tom- white pelt with multicolored spots

DEPUTY- Reedslip- tom- gray/brown tabby

MEDICINE CAT- Shellcloud- tom- Siamese; Apprentice, Streamspirit


Sedgestep- tom- brown/gray tabby Apprentice, Riverpaw

Rowanpelt- tom- ginger tabby

Spotswoop- she-cat- blue gray with darker spots

Sootstorm- tom- gray with black spots

Sandthistle- she-cat- light golden tabby

Hopewillow- she-cat- silver tabby

Gorseflame- tom- gray tabby

Jaggedstripe- tom- white with long jagged black stripe down one hind leg

Flowerfrost- she-cat- golden tabby Apprentice, Rainpaw

Dewfeather- tom- blue/gray

Ripplemist- tom- light gray tabby

Embermoon- she-cat- ginger tabby

Yellowclaw- tom- golden tabby


Foxleaf- she-cat- dark ginger

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