Invisible | Chpt 29

Start from the beginning

"But he was such a jerk!" Hanako said.

"He's sorry," Ryou argued.

"Yeah, well he still deserves it! Sorry or not, (y/n) shouldn't have to deal with that."

"He's been punished enough. They haven't even talked yet."

Like an angel and a devil on my shoulder, the pair argued about my life. It was almost like they were trying to convince me to sway one way or another, but also appeared to forget I was there. Mic interrupted their bickering to start class and I glanced at Kaminari. He seemed fine. Class was dismissed shorter than I expected it to be. I picked up the flowers, passing by the garbage can, but I kept them in my hand anyways. I could feel eyes on me, having made my decision. Throwing them away later wouldn't be much of a statement.

I didn't pay much attention to class past Art History, making my way to the end of the day. Hanako and Ryou had agreed to go to the Class 1-A and 1-B field trip. I had worked in the office yesterday, so I just found myself walking back to the apartment.

"Yeah, see you later for dinner," Hanako said, walking towards the medical dorms.


I glanced behind me at Sero running up. It appeared as though he was spending more time with me. I couldn't help but let my mind shift to yesterday. Mina seemed pretty convinced that Sero was showing interest in me. It was strange that 2 of the other options that were presenting themselves, or at least Mina thought they were, were a little too similar for me. Shinsou was pretty much a purple look-a-like to my father. We could probably pass for siblings. Sero had the same jet black hair, wide smile (though his was less creepy), and used his quirk similarly to my father's capture weapon. It was honestly like I was signing up to date my father, which was not what I exactly wanted.

If Kaminari was right at all about my parental issues, dating someone that looked or acted like my father wasn't exactly disproving that.

Then again, why was I even considering the fact? Why did I have to date at all? I didn't, so why was I so concerned with it?

"(y/n)?" I glanced up to see Sero was standing in front of me.


"You okay?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. What's up?" I questioned, leaning up against the wall behind me.

"I was wondering if you could tutor me? Exams are this Friday," he said, placing a hand on the wall to the right of my head. He leaned casually and I nodded.

"You don't have one?"

"No, unfortunately not."

"I can definitely help you in science. Not so much English," I said, crossing my arms around my stomach.

"Cool! I just need someone to quiz me," he said. "Kaminari said you were good at studying."

"Oh..." I paused. I glanced to Sero, who looked rather innocent. I didn't suspect that Sero of all people would come to me expecting something. However, with how things had been going, I was suspicious that Kaminari might've mentioned something about our "study session". "When did he tell you that?"

"Ahh, a week or two ago. I'm just getting tired of Bakugo hitting me when I get a question wrong. I'm not Kirishima, I'm not made of rock," Sero scoffed and I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I'll totally tutor you. How about tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that's perfect. Library alright?" I nodded and he grinned. Sero was a very comforting kind of guy and I was particularly biased towards his smile.

"Wait! Bakubro!" A hand slammed into the wall on my otherside and I jumped slightly, closer towards Sero. Bakugo and I had very little interaction, which is why I was a little confused as to what he was doing.

"Could you just forgive the loser already? I'm so tired of listening to his bitching," Bakugo scoffed and I stared at him dumbfounded.

"Bakubro, you can't just say that!" Kirishima insisted.

"Why not Shitty Hair?! I don't fucking care."

"Dude, chill out. You're scaring her," Sero said, pressing me slightly behind him.

"She's the one who's causing pikachu to mope around all day, it's so fucking annoying!"

"What are you guys even doing?!" Mina asked, approaching. "Stop bothering (y/n)."

"I will when dunce face stops bothering me!" Bakugo argued. I glanced around the group, Sero's hand still resting on my stomach. Everyone was starting to blur together. I didn't want to be the cause of so much drama. This was all a little too much attention.

"Leave it be, just tell him to go away. You don't have to listen to him," Sero said. I let out a heavy breath, stepping back.

"Oh yeah like you were so importantly busy hitting on Aizawa 2.0."

"I was not!" I let myself away from the group, hurrying in the opposite direction. It felt like I was claustrophobic from all the smothering attention. I slammed into someone's chest, glancing up. Kaminari looked at me with wide eyes, his hands holding my upper arms. He let go, struggling to speak.

"I'm sorry," he said, having broken my request. He peered at me, glancing a little ways down the hall. The group remained bickering and he looked back to me. "Are you okay? Do you need my help?"

I just looked up at him finally, nodding a breathless 'yes'.

"Okay, come on," he gestured, turning to head back from where he came. I gripped his wrist in my hand, letting him take me away from the commotion. It wasn't a full blown claustrophobic panic attack, but I was uncomfortable and so stressed it made my heart and breath fast. I glanced at the smashed flowers in my hand, having taken them out of my backpack before I made my way home. "You're going to be alright."

All day people had forgotten I was there, even though my life was at the center of attention.

Kaminari didn't forget.


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