2- Alexander Hamilton

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"Alexander Hamilton?" Jade asked, gaping.

He looked at her with something resembling shock and curiosity as he slowly answered, unsure of what had just happened. "Yes... Yes, I am. Lutienet Colonal Hamilton, at your service." Hamilton said, bowing slightly. "And who might you be?"

Jade cleared her throat. "Jade Stewart. I uh, I need to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind!"

Alex seemed a little taken aback but agreed. "Not at all. Go ahead, Miss. Stewart."

"Alright. First, what year is it?"

"Why it was 1780 the last time I checked."

Jade let out a low whistle. "Great. A time-traveling founding father-"

"A who?" Alex asked, confused about her words.

"Ah nothing!" Jade quickly replied, finally grasping the fact that Alexander Hamilton was standing right in front of her.

Alex suddenly cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had fallen between them. "I don't mean to sound rude, but it appears you... Are only partially dressed. And, where am I? I don't remember the aide's quarters to be near any housing. And uh..." Alex looked away, blushing softly. "I am ashamed to admit but, how did you manage to get the sun in such a tiny home?"

"Okay. First of all.... Excuse me for a second!" Jade suddenly jogged out of the room, across the hall to her room, and shoved her face into a pillow, screaming something about Hamilton being in her house.

After regaining her composure, Jade ran to face Alex once again. "Sorry. To answer your questions, you're in my house, more specifically, one of my guest bedrooms. How you got here, I have absolutely no idea. I'm still trying to comprehend how you're here in the first place. Last bit not least, it's called a light switch, and it turns on a light bulb, not the sun. I beleive Benjamin Franklin discovered the electricity that powers it. And I am completely dressed, thank you very much, this is just the fashion in this time period."

Alex still looked confused. "Why does everything look so.... Different?" He sank down onto the bed and touched the sheets, dropping his musket on the floor. "The last thing I remember was preparing to take command of a batalion out into battle as a backup force. Then, I slipped off my horse and everything went dark. The next thing I know, I wake up here, bloody and bruised. What happened to me?"

"Oh." Was all Jade could think to say. "I don't know-" A phone ringing abnoxously cut Jade off. She pulled it out of her pocket and declined the call, frowning slightly. Another spam caller wanting her personal information.

Alex was staring at Jade in disbelief. He looked down at his uniform then back up at Jade, the back down at his uniform. "It's definitely not 1780." He whispered to his hands, then looked up again at the woman in front of him. "Jade.... What year is it?"

The question took Jade by surprise as she slightly stepped backwards. "Uh... 2020?" Alex gasped, his eyes widening. He stood up.

"I traveled forward in time... That's not possible. I'm supposed to be fighting for my country alongside fellow soilders- not standing in a woman's home! And if I'm here, where are all the others?" Alex rambled, pushing Jafe aside and peering down the hall, just as a loud clattering boomed throughout the house.

At that moment, Jade seemed so glad that she lived alone because a very loud scream echoed over the termoil. A scream that sounded very.... French?


Yes, it is short and I know it's short. It's probably going to be short chapters until all the Hamilsquad arrives.

Hope you enjoyed! 😉

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