1- Not a Killer

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Jade Stewart quietly sat at her dining room table, humming along to Hurricane, a song from Hamilton, a musical she loved. Her fingers glided across the keyboard as she furiously typed.

"The Reynolds Pamphlet!" She whispered, grinning as she finally submitting the last assignment of the term.

"And done!" Jade leaned back against her chair and popped her stiff fingers. Now, it was time to decompress after a year of hard-core studying and back to back quizzes and assignments.

Decompressing meaning sobbing into a pint of ice cream burried in a pile of blankets on a couch after watching Hamilton for the millionth time.

Jade ran into her bedroom, gathered the many blankets she needed and dumped them on the couch. Gabbing her assortment of treats, including ice cream, she set them besides her blankets before cocooning herself in said blankets. Opening the tub, Jade navigated to Disney Plus (not featered), opened the musical and immediately started singing along with Aaron Burr. Or Leslie Odem Jr., wich ever you prefer.

This was the life!

Fast forward two hours, and, like so many times before, Jade was sobbing on the couch after Alexander is killed by Aaron. Jade desperately wanted to sing along, but singing is neat to impossible due to crying too hard.

It was strange, Jade had seen this musical too many times to count, yet the ending still made her cry.

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story began to play and Jade shoveled another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth when when a pound banh very rudely interrupted the last song. Muffled yet colorful cursing followed soon after. Panicking slightly, Jade paused her movie and sat still, listening.

Someone could have broken into her house! She could be under attack from a serial killer for all she knew! Those were the thoughts running through her brain as she sat, terrified.

But then Jade's logical side kicked in and she realized that anybody trying to break into a house wouldn't be as loud as whoever was currently in an upstairs room.

T, Jade climbed out of her blanket cave and grabbed a small frying pan from the kitchen. She didn't know who was up there or if they were armed, so she armed herself with the first thing she saw on the kitchen counter.

Quite a bit of banging and strings of curses led her down the hallway into one of the many guest rooms, the one currently occupied by the stranger sat right across from her room. Why she bought this big of a house for just herself was beyond her understanding, but now was not the time to dwell on her previous decisions.

Anyways, back to Jade. She had pressed herself against the wall and took a deep breath, hearing the last of the muttered cursing stop. In one impulsive move, Jade flung the door opened and pointed the frying shadow facing away from me.

"Who are you and how did you get into my house?" She growled, blocking the doorway with her body as it turned around to face her. Or, at least, she think it turned around. It was too dark to tell. "Hang on..." Jade foumbled around the doorframe and finally found the light switch. Flipping it, the room immediately flooding with light and jade could clearly see the fugure had actually been a man with fiery red hair tied back with a loose black ribbon, deep indigo-purple eyes, and a layer of freckles spreadibg across his crooked nose. Dirt and, was that... blood? Covered his face and 18th century revolutionary war outfit- complete with breeches, shoes from that same time period, and a large, muddy musket.

The man blinked in astonishment. "How did you do that!?!?" He exclaimed. Jade didn't answer, still trying to beleive what she was seeing. As she could recognize that face anywhere. It was plastered on every ten dollar bill, afterall.

"E-excuse me, are you..."



Hi! This is my first time writing this type of fanfiction, with random people showing up in your house and crap like that...

Also, Jade is an OC of mine, but feel free to use her, just give me credit if you do use her.

I know Jade is a 20-year-old woman, but she acts more like a teenager bc this is kind of... Written by a teenager?

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Ten Dollar Founders!

Edit: I'm kinda redoing this book. And in the process of redoing it, I decided to write in in 3rd person, as my writing style has changed since I first started this. So yeah!

Also if you didn't get the change and still want to see something on Ten Dollar Founders, comment your ideas here :3

Ten Dollar Founders [Hamilton Reacts] (Slow Updates bc Highschool)Where stories live. Discover now