They run the girl into the brightly lit hospital and walk me in after her.

“Is she going to be okay?” I ask the doctor that walked up to the girl, she just frown.

“I don’t know yet, but test should answer that, she has server head trauma- Are you a family member, or a boyfriend of this women?”

Andrew shakes his head, “No, this is the first time I have ever even seen her,” The doctor looked puzzled and she writes something on a clipboard. “I was the one that ran into her.”

“Oh, sorry I can’t give out any farther information, I’ll have another nurse come and check on you.” With that they move her into a room and the door closes behind them.


They found a wallet and her diary in the car after they removed the girl. A phone numbers under the name of ‘Mom’ ‘Dad’ and ‘Home’ were called.

They picked up on the first ring. “Sophia is that you?!” A women voice rang out from the other end.

“We believe your daughter was just in accident.”

“What’s happen to my daughter?” A strong male’s voice questions.

“A truck ran into her on country road 779,” Muffled cries from the mother sounded, “We moved her to the nearest hospital in Dacian, Colorado.”

“We are on are way.” The line went dead.


After two hours of speeded driving they made it to the hospital that held there daughter. They ran in as fast there legs could carry them, up to the counter.

“A girl was just in a accident, were is she, we are her parents.” The nurse spotted them and told them to follow her.

They questioned her well being and what happen to her.

“She is unconscious right now and took a serious blow to the left side of her head from the window. The air bag saved her from any further damage.” They each sighed from relief that she was alive. They come to the room where Sophia was in.

“They finished cleaning her up and taking x-rays, going the MRI right now.” The nurse says as a doctor walks up to them.

“Are you the parent of this young lady?” The holds up Sophia’s driver license. The two parents nodded briskly, clinging to each other desperately.

“Yes, that’s our daughter, Sophia Ryan. Please tell us some good news.”

The doctor looked uncomfortable with the request, “It seems that your daughter is unresponsive as of now.” A choked sound came from the mother, she covered her mouth and tears flooded her eyes.

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