Chapter Three~ Accident

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Accident. An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. A property of a thing that is not essential to its nature.


By the end of school, everyone, even the janitors, knew that I broke it off with Kevin and not planing on get back togeather.

Sophia hoped she could pull it off till she got home. The drive home was slow and empty, even with the music in my car up loud. It still could block out the sounds of Kevin's voice. Pleading me to understand what happen.

Parked car, got out and ran into the house through the door in the garage. I hoped Mom was’t busy I really needed to vent about today.

The house stood empty and cold, it just didn’t feel right. Sophia went to her room and threw her bags to the base of her bed. Going to her nightstand and taking out her diary.

If Mom isn’t here then I’ll wait, she took out the pen in the spirals and flipped to the first blank page.


May 12, 2010--

Today couldn’t get any worse, I caught Kevin with another girl in the library.... My heart was stolen and broken. I don’t want to be like Amy, the day that her boyfriends breaks up with her she cries and cries and makes a total fool of herself, then she begs him to come make. If that didn’t work then she acts like she into someone else.

It’s just not a good day right n-


There’s a loud slam of the front door and stomping feet, Mom must have had a bad day too. Slipping my journal into my back pocket I take the stairs down to the main floor.

Sophia was almost to the bottom when she heard another slam of the door then yells that froze her in her tracks.

“What is wrong with you?!” Dad...  I was afraid of what would happen now, because I’m pretty the first steps were Mom’s.

“What is MY problem is that your never home!!” Her voice sounded broken and hurt.

“Why would I come home? To do this every single time!?” My whole body started to shake and I forgot my own problems, not fighting the tears now.

“You think I want to yell at you?!” There was a sound of things being thrown around. I was behind the bend and they were in the living room, just on the other side of the wall.

“Yes, you love to see me mad and angry, you can’t stand to see me happy somewhere else.”

“Yes, because when I see you happy-go-lucky with other women, it makes me insane!” By now I was full out crying my eyes out, holding a hand to my mouth to keep out the cries in my mouth. My whole body seem to ask me to run in there and stop the screaming of my parents.

“And then there is the staying of the night at work!”

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