I closed my books and carried them to return them to their shelves. He followed me waiting for any comment I could offer, but the only thing I knew was the truth. "'When you're going through hell, keep going' Winston Churchill," I said.

"Well he's not going anywhere anytime soon, especially since you left him with his heart in his hand—"

"I don't—" I said louder than I'd intended to, losing my cool for a moment.

"Finally, a reaction. Come on, I'm your best friend. Talk to me," He said as he took the books out of my hands and set them on the table in front of us.

I took a breath and leaned my forehead against one of the bookshelves. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was fighting back an anxiety attack. I took in another heaving breath that shook my entire body and brought the tears to my eyes. I wanted to tell him the truth, to tell Fred the truth. I wanted to not exist so all of this would go away.

"I know you, you wouldn't have done this just because of Angelina," He said softly.

"I can't tell you," I whispered.

"You know I'm good with secrets, and I'm good with weird," He whispered back as.

I took in another breath, focusing on his eyes. Fred's eyes. And nodded. "I need to keep him safe," I told him.

Explaining everything to George was like when I explained to him everything that happened my fourth year with the veil after our 'almost indiscretion'. He took in all the information and was both taken back as he was upset on my behalf. He understood why I didn't want to tell Fred, though he didn't agree with it. No matter, he promised to keep my secret.

The fourth week of November brought the first snow. Hermione had set up a meeting in Hogsmeade to recruit people to join Dumbledore's Army, a way for us to Learn a practical Defense Against the Dark Arts. They wanted to learn from me and Harry since we had the most experience with defensive magic. Though after I'd yelled at Harry, we'd been a little distant. It wasn't completely set aside, but like most things it was swept under the rug, to be dealt with at another time. I walked with Hermione, Ron and Harry to the Hogs Head, the snow crunching beneath our feet.

"You've lived here your entire life. What is your obsession with the snow?" Ron asked me as I shushed them to walk through a patch that looked exceptionally fluffy.

"Well, when it snows it gets really quiet, because it acts as a barrier to absorb sound. Essentially, when the snow sticks, it's like casting one big silencing charm. It proves that magic is all around us, not even needing our help," I said and looked up at them to see Hermione smiling at me.

"So, who would want to be taught by us?" Harry asked as we approached the Hog's Head

"Yeah we're both nutters remember?" I said adding on.

"Look on the bright side. You can't be any worse than Old Toad Face," Ron said.

"Thanks' Ron," Harry told him

"I'm here for you mate," He said as Hermione and I both let out breathy laughs.

"Are you sure it's okay that I'm here?" I asked her. Ginny had filled her in on the whole me and Fred situation, but I still wanted to respect his space.

"I was honest, I told him and George that you and Harry would be teaching us all," She said in her usual matter-of-fact tone of voice. She looked back at the boys and then leaned in closer to me. "To be honest, he looked a bit relieved. Probably thinks you're spending too much time alone. We all do," She said kindly.

I gave her a tight-lipped smile. "I don't mind being alone," I said. She returned the smile just as Harry called for our attention again.

"Oy, who's supposed to be meeting us then?" He asked.

The Girl who Survived  (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now