The Flock of crows in winter

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**** Devin Sola****

She looks lost among the crowd...Confused with all the colors that surround her. But she seems a little more calm surrounded by black, not so uneasy. But at the same time it's a type of mirrored grace.  Even as we five introduce ourselves out right, she offers a small smile, and remains still at no ease, and that small gesture is a mind blowing thing.   

"So uhhh Cass?" Ryan tries quietly, " Can we see your schedule?" She shrugs alittle and retrieves the small slip of neon pink of paper from her Donnie Darko letter bag, and dangles it between black painted nails. So you're in Balz's grade? cool. 

"We've got science and Language arts together!!!" Balz squeals a little outside the norm."ANNNNNDDDDD art!" he hops on his heels, and Hanna just sits next to Kylie ignoring his out burst. Girlfriends, huh?

"Well that would be History and Art with me as well." Ryan nods, a small smile across his face too. We're turning into blubbering idiots......"You've got Chris and Ricky in Math and...." I cut him off. 

 "P.E with your's truely." Her eyes grow wide. not in to P.E then are you? Poor're condemned as well..... And surprise, surprise you've got a class with all of us, well this could be potentially great. The bell shrieks as we all get established with the new girl's schedule, sending us scattering to first period.

"Whomever decided that P.E was an acceptable subject for first period should be thrown into the deepest hole in the world." Cassidy pouts on our walk down the hallway towards the locker rooms. 

"You mean Dean's blue hole ?" I ask smartly, and she shrugs 

"Isn't that an underwater hole? In like Long Island, Bahamas?" She replies pointy nodding at me then walks into the girl's side of the rooms.  Whoever created dodge-ball Tuesday should also join the first guy in there underwater life.


I feel almost targeted standing on the gym floor in my "I luv Skulls" shorts, and In the Moment tee shirt Maria gave me for my birthday, and since I didn't bring ACTUAL shoes, I'm still in my combat boots.Wonderful, wonderful Tuesday.

 "Hey new girl ready to get smashed?" some blonde girl snickers, and when I say blonde I mean blonde, pink outfit and all.... I don't mind her hair color, I mean I'm blonde too....well Platinum anyways. "Is your hair eve natural?" nah-tch-rul. Eww. She tugs on a strand of my hair, which is laying loosely down my back, and i do my best to ignore it. But i cant help the heat rising in my chest.

" Rebecca  leave her alone."  Devin's girlfriend, Kylie I think her name was? Demands, sweeping in like a goth-core princess in black shorts and a KoRn tee, hazel eyes heavily outlined in black. " She didn't do anything to you." yet.... I didn't do anything to her YET. A dark grin crosses my face at her from behind his back, which apparently he sees. 

"What're you grinning at?" Devin ask, jogging up to us, chuckling and shaking his dark head.

 "nothin' " I smile ruefully.

****Chris Motionless****

"Over here Cassidy!" Andrew waves her over, nudging me with his black clad elbow. Here.We.Go. I glance up to watch her take a shaky step in our general direction. But it strikes me odd as Andrew sucks in a breathe, and I look to see his eyes widen considerably.

She hits the ground in a loud thump making me jump, pile drived into the floor by a football player."Watch out freak girl" Brandon snaps spreading his arms wide looking for appraise from our peers. I pose to hop up, when she says the funniest thing I've ever heard from a girl. 

"watch out for what? the ego I'm popping or your tiny dick?" she climbs to her feet and holds her head, making me assume he hurt her. BUT man the color on his face is superb. I don't think anyone could have held off laughter. 

" It's a medical condition!" He squeaks making me laugh harder. then he gets angry again, and knocks her to the floor again.

        "I wouldn't touch her again if I were you." I threaten quietly, and grabbing her shoulder he throws her back again. So I snap. Grabbing his head I slam it into the desk closest to him (which just so happens to be the teacher's). Taking hold of her arm I haul Cass right out of there, Ryan tailing. This class is overrated anyways, and the teacher is probably going to come in late and hung over.

        "That's right you take your girl and run freak." He calls after us, and as if we've practiced it, we all flick him off all together  a big sign of  f- you. Man I could seriously fall in love with that girl.

Hold On to this lullaby even when the musics gone (Motionless in White and D.R.U.G.S FF)Where stories live. Discover now