"I don't do love but maybe for you"

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This is a AU since I don't know much about the band and only researched the character!

The OC in this story belongs to Simpli.Sad on Instagram give them a follow!

Warning this will contain cursing so if that bothers you then please don't read!

If there is anything that you would like changed or if you would like this redone because you aren't sastifed please let me know!

Anyway onto the one-shot!

It was a normal day of recording for the band everyone was ready well almost everyone someone was missing that someone was Murdoc.

It wasn't unusual for the man to go missing as he often seemed to like disappearing but it was very annoying especially for the fashion director Viper who put a lot of hard work into the outfits he picked for everyone for every video.

"Murdoc that Bastard where did he get off to this time" he grumbled out in sheer annoyance, he was guessing the older man was probably passed out somewhere with a hangover or had decided to take another one of his vanishing trips.

"Everybody hold, I'll go see if I can find him" Viper mumbled out before leaving the set that they were supposed to be filming the new video on.

Viper searched everywhere he could think of until finally the last room he decided to search yielded results, inside the room laying on a couch was Murdoc what appeared to be a magazine over his face it was hard to tell rather or not he was asleep or just ignoring everything.

"Murdoc!" Viper shouted attempting to gain the attention of the older man, he was a bit annoyed by the fact the man hadn't showed up on time.

Murdoc blinked removing the magazine from over the top of his eyes only to groan at the harshness of the lights, Viper was right to think that he might be hungover because he was just a bit.

But that wasn't the reason why he had skipped out on filming admittedly that day he just wasn't feeling up to it, while he often skipped out today was different.

Viper upon noticing the look that the older man had felt his rage slowly begin to ebb away until it was nothing but a flicker of what it had been formerly.
"Murdoc, something bothering you?" He knew that it was hard to shake the man up after all he'd seen a lot of shit and done a lot too.

Murdoc sat up sweeping a hand down his face as he let out a faint grunt, he wasn't one for showing his emotions all that much so he was a bit annoyed that he had been seen through so easily.
"Nah nothing is bothering me" he said standing up though he forgot about his hangover and immediately regretted standing up when he suddenly felt the world spinning all around him.

Viper upon noticing the older man looked like he was about to fall over looped his arm in Murdoc's helping the older man to steady.

At first Murdoc was a bit shocked by this which was obvious by the look on his face causing him to quickly try and recover.
"Why are you helping me?" He mumbled a bit gruffly, he knew that he had made Viper's job all the more harder by not even bothering to show up to the filming.

Viper for a moment seemed to hesitate before he decided to answer that question though he decided to be a bit sarcastic.
"You're a pain in the ass, and yeah you skipping out makes my job even harder than it already is but I care about you so I guess that's why I'm helping you" he mumbled.

Murdoc felt a twinge in something he had admittedly forgotten that he had a heart, the twinge didn't feel bad instead it felt like a small flame warm.
"You care for somebody like me? That's shocking gotta admit, personally don't see why ya would" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

Viper upon noticing how sheepish the man became and what he said, realized exactly what he said causing his cheeks to take on a light pink tint.

It was no secret to most that Murdoc and Viper had this sorta vibe about them one that kinda screamed they liked each other but at the same time were ignorant to each others apperant feelings.

"Look I'm tired of playing this will we or won't we game Murdoc...I think it's obvious to you that I like you.." He didn't want to say love because saying that signed him into something that he wasn't sure would last.

Murdoc at this for a moment had a somewhat shocked look on his face but in truth Viper was right it really wasn't all that shocking because he had known he'd just never acknowledged it before now because that meant acknowledging his own feelings something he really didn't want to do.

After a long almost deafing moment of silence Murdoc finally spoke in response to what Viper had just admitted to him.
"You're right it is obvious and I know it's obvious I got some type of feelings for ya...I get jealous when others decide to hit on ya which really...I don't have a right to do" he said, though he took a deep breath it seemed obvious that he wasn't done talking just yet.

"Look I don't do the whole love thing, in my opinion it's sappy crap a lot of people use for money but maybe for you I could give it a chance, who knows maybe we could make it kick ass" he said peering into Viper's eyes.

After finishing his speech so to speak, Murdoc drew in closer to Viper so close in fact it caused their lips to graze in a almost kiss, though soon that almost kiss turned into a real one.

As the two shared their kiss, one thought was one both of their minds almost as if in that moment they shared one mind, body, and soul.

"Maybe this could work"

*The End*

((I really hope that you like this, I tried my absolute best to write this out despite being unfamiliar with the fandom! if there is anything you'd like me to change then please let me know!))

"I don't do love but maybe for you" //Murdoc x OC One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now