Cath worked it over in her head. She knew Wren wanted to go to college for the experience, not for the knowledge. Cath sighed. "Fine. I won't tell him. But only if you swear on Watford that you won't drink again until Dad lets you, okay?" Cath argued.

"Okay. That's fair. I swear on Watford," Wren promised. She smiled at Cath. C'mon, we should go to Starbucks. I need some coffee."

Cath rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I guess we can. Levi should be working anyway, so I can make sure he remembered," Cath agreed.

"Why would he have forgotten?" Wren questioned, momentarily confused. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized. "Wait. Did you sleep with him last night? Oh my God! Jesus, Cath, you already went on a date last night. If you were that chill, you might have gone to the party. Holy shit!" Wren was rambling now, but she didn't seem to care.

"Oh my God, Wren. Yes, he slept in my bed, next to me. I was writing, and... well, he was going to go home, but it was, I don't know, 2 a.m.? I couldn't just let him walk home that late," Cath explained, rolling her eyes at Wren's assumption.

Wren squinted, slowing to a walk and crossing her arms. "No. Something more than that had to have happened. I can see it on your face. Spill!" she demanded.

"Fine. So, this morning, I woke up at like 6, right? Levi was still asleep. I forgot he had work this morning, so I figured he would sleep in until at least like 9. I was wrong. Since I was still in my clothes from the night before, I changed. He woke up," Cath admitted. Seeing the look on Wren's face, Cath quickly shut her thoughts down. "I still had my bra and panties on! Chill, Wren. Calm your dirty thoughts."

"Cath, seriously? You thought it wasn't a big deal? That's huge for you! What did he say?" she pleaded for information.

"That's not for you to know. Let me have a boyfriend without you knowing everything that ever happened. Besides, there's something I wanted to talk to you about. Last night, after The Seventh Oak, Mom showed up. She said that you told her I liked Simon Snow, that I might be at the movie. Are you still talking to her? If you are, I don't want you to talk about me," Cath glowered.

"No! I haven't talked to her since the two of us both realized us fighting was stupid. I told her a long time ago that you like Simon Snow, sure. I showed her my fanfic account, she must have found yours off of mine. Sorry, Cath," Wren sounded sincere. She really hadn't said anything to Laura about me.

"It's fine. And, you can talk to her, if you want," Cath added, realizing she had been a bit unreasonable.

"Thanks," Wren smiled. "But I don't think I want to."

Cath rolled her eyes, secretly happy. "Okay," she sighed. They came to a stop in front of Starbucks. Cath pulled the door open and walked in, Wren following in her footsteps. She scanned the room for her boyfriend while Wren went to get them a table. Not seeing Levi, Cath stepped into line. He could just be behind the counter, somewhere she couldn't see from her view.

As she progressed through the line, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, Cath was startled to see Mia. She smiled at Cath, who didn't smile back. Her thoughts were too occupied with Levi, Laura, even Wren and her drinking. Cath knew she would have to keep a closer eye on her sister.

"Hey, Cath. It's nice to see you here. Did you know Levi works here? Oh, nevermind, that's probably a stupid question, he's your boyfriend, how could you not know? Silly me. Hey, Cath?" Mia waved her hand in front of my face, probably finally realizing that I wasn't paying attention. "Is everything okay? Cath?" she sounded agitated, stirring me out of my thoughts and worries.

"Hmmm? Oh, everything is fine, thanks. Just-have you seen Levi? He's normally at the register right about now," Cath explained. She didn't want to go into her worries about Wren and Laura, but Levi was someone they both cared about, who she could talk to Mia about.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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