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"code black?" what does that mean Cristina asked me confused.
" i dont know, probably some drill or something " Meredith replied.
We sat on an empty gurney, when Derek called.
" Hey-"
" Meredith where are you?"
" I dont know some hallway, with Cristina why?"
" Meredith I need you and Cristina to go hide in a closet now and don't say a word until i find you"
" Derek? whats going on"
" I need you not to panic but there is a shooter in the hospital so you need to-"
" A shooter? where? was anyone shot"
" Yes some but i really need you to go hide"
"Okay, were going and try not to get yourself killed"
" Thank you Mer!"
Meredith and Cristina went into a random patient room. " Cristina, there is a shooter in the hospital, so we have to hide out here." Meredith told her.
" A shooter? Wha- wher-
And that's when we heard a wired voice.
" Excuse me, do you know where I could find Dr. Derek Shepard?"
Meredith looked down and saw a fully loaded gun in his hand and grabbed Cristina arm,
" No we don't, we haven't seen him yet, can I ask why " Cristina asked Mr.Clark
He looked really mad and saw that her I.D card said that she was a surgeon. He looked back into her eyes. " No, you cant" he said when he pulled out his gun to shoot Cristina.
BOOM! but the bullet didn't go into Cristina,
When he pulled the gun out, Meredith quickly jumped on her which made the bullet go into her chest.
Meredith laid on her side, on top of Cristina. Gary left to continue looking for him.
"Mer?, OH OH MY GOD Meredith!."
Cristina turned her on her back and grabbed lots of lap pads to keep the bleeding under control.
Alex and Arizona got the page, They moved all the kids, to the play room. Callie came through the doors, " hey, are the kids all safe?"
" uhh, yea" Arizona replied.
Alex went to comfort the kids to make sure that they were safe.
Callie and Arizona went into a supply closet. " So what are we going to do if he come." Callie asked
" well I could talk to him and you can keep the kids safe"
" What- no what if he shoots you? then your going to be in danger"
" Calliope, I will be fine, but first we need to know if the kids are safe."
" Or, i could talk to him" Callie suggested
" Ok, lets see if he even gets here.
When Owen found out that there was a shooter in the hospital. He kept looking for Cristina or anyone he could help to get out. He went into a room where April and Jackson were hiding out together, scared. " Hey we need to get out of here." Owen said.
April was crying into Jackson's arms. " No we want to hide in here, it's safe here" Jackson told Owen.
"We have to try to get outside to the police and then we are safe" Owen tried to comfort him. He nodded and grabbed April and put her in his arms. They were both walking behind Owen. He was checking each room to find anyone else. He found Teddy. in a janitors closet. " Owen!" she was so happy to see him. " Teddy, you need to come with me right now, we are leaving!" she got up and took his hand.
Lexie became conscious, screaming and crying in pain . Lexie needed a chest tube and Bailey already set her up to a monitor.
" Okay, we need to flip her to see if there is an exit wound." Mark said
" okay ill do that and you keep your pressure on the wound"
" ok, Lex were going to flip you and its really going to hurt. Ok 1,2,3 GO!" Mark told her with tears in his eyes.
Lexie screamed in pain, Mark tried to make her shut up so he doesn't come back.
" Lexie, lex Shh sh I know it hurts okay hold my hand okay its going to be done any second now." Mark told her trying to comfort her.
Bailey nodded her head, to see that there was no exit wound. Lexie whimpered in pain and squeezed his hand " Mark, go be safe. leave me here, ill be okay." she said crying.
" No, Lexie shut up, I'm not leaving until you are okay and alive."
Soon Lexie started to to lose lots of blood which made her pass out and crash.
" starting compressions, Mark go out and get the crash cart."
" okay!"
Mark charge it to 180, CLEAR!, still V-FIB charge again to 200, CLEAR!, okay we got her back" said Bailey
" oh, thank god, Lexie please stay with me, I cant imagine a world without you please Lexie I love you" Mark said crying to himself

Richard was walking around trying to help his staff, help his hospital. He noticed that there was the police and F.B.I agents outside. He went down to the lobby and found a nurse, she was long gone. He didn't find any sign of the shooter yet. He knew who it was through, Gary Clark his wife died was in a coma. He tried to sue the hospital and Shepard but he didn't win. I guess he got so mad he wanted to get revenge on us Webber thought. A police officer came up behind him, " Dr. Webber?" the officer said. " yea-" Richard answered " Come with me, we need to get you out ." Richard started walking towards the officer wanting to see if all of his staff and family would be there.

Richard walked outside, only to see some residents and nurses but didn't see any of his close friends, " Where is everyone else? " Richard asking hoping they were all safe

" They aren't out here yet but we are trying to get them " the officer said. Richard looked surprised. He started to walk towards the hospital again to go inside but the officer stopped him. 'Sir, you cant go in-" the officer was trying to say but Richard cut him off " the hell i can, my family is in there" The officer grabbed his shoulder but Richard fought him off.
This chapter is way shorter than the others

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