Pharaoh's Tomb

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I groan as I hear words like "fight" and "woman" between their small argument. Suddenly my necklace starts to grow cold and I "sense" movement in the other hallway.

"Guys" I motion to them "hide". We hurriedly hide behind the fountain. We see French soldiers with their gun pointing to all the exhibits.

I close my eyes, as I feel the cold sensation spreeding to my head. What I see is Kahmunrah talking to Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon Bonaparte and Al Capone with their team. I gasp as I come back to the real world. "He is forming a team" I pause "with Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon and Al Capone" I glance to them and chuckle as I look at them.

"Well well Mr Daley, I quiet like the way you are holding me" she said. Larry glance at her "oh sorry, I wasnt trying to" he put his hand down. But she still hesitate "oh please, stop beating your gums, Mr. Daley. You haven't been able to take your cheaters off my chassis since the moment we met" . I nearly laugh as I hear that.

"I literally don't understand a word of that" he say. "I do" I say between my giggles. I pause as I hear something in the air. I want to ask but Amelia beat me "Is it just me or there is music in the air ?" We all look up and see three cupids flying above us and they start singing "We can take forever.....".

Then Larry try to silence them "hey, flying angels, quiet!" I frown "they are cupids" and Amelia say "They are cupids Mr Daley, Gods of Love". Larry sigh "Great. Gods of love, would you shut up? Please shut up. We're trying to hide" then unfortunately there is no "shut up" in the Cupids vocabulary.

"Yeah! More than a woman! Yeah!"
I roll my eyes as Larry keep trying to make the Cupids shut up but no luck. Suddenly one cupid fly to me and start singing well whispering "Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine. I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right. I go back to December all the time". I glance at it "what ?! How did you..." I sigh "nevermind"

I peek from the statue and see the French soldiers walking towards us. "Guys come on" we walk crouch down circling the fountain. We run to another hallway but suddenly two French guards appear infront of us. I snatch out my dagger and found ourself surrounded by atleast six guards and then Napoleon appear.

"And so, the little tiny man who could not be a smaller or shorter mouse runs into the claws of the giant cat!" he snicker. I glance at him seeing him with a very sharp blade. I glare at Larry as he answer back "You're really hung up on the height, aren't you?"

Napoleon snicker back "No its not about height" but Larry answer back "Yes you are, you say I'm a little mouse you are a giant cat" he pause " no offense but You're Napoleon. There's a complex named after you. You're famous for being little, and it's true. Look"

Then Napoleon chuckle "Oh you naive American man-boy, its not about height or something else, its about plan a brilliant plan" then I nearly yell to Amelia to just shut up when she say "Snazzy maneuver, Emperor"

I slip back my dagger as Napoleon approach us. "Merci, mademoiselle" he nod to both of us. He look at Amelia and say "Now, if your boyfriend would kindly come with me..." And Larry cut off "I'm not her boyfriend" then Napoleon ask "Not her boyfriend ?" Then Larry and Amelia exchange a few no.

Then Napoleon slide to me, "So you are his girlfriend" I chuckle nervously "what no I'm I'm his err" the Larry cut me off "she is my daughter" I glance at him and shrug my shoulder. Then Napoleon slide back to Larry and whisper (althought I manage to hear it) "Were you guys, like, friends in college and just afraid now to both ruin your relationship by telling the other person that you want to be more than friends, that you like-like each other?"

Larry look confuse and ask "One more time, I didn't catch the..." Then Napoleon repeat it once again and Larry chuckle "No" Napoleon grin and look at each of us "no ? I just love the nitty-gritty of relationships. All of us French do" I sigh "Oh great" and Amelia exclaim "Yes, Amour !" We chuckle and then Napoleon switch to the "bad" side when he point his blade to Larry, again.

"Now" he pause "this way or you die" Larry answer "yeah ok" then he point to me "you to ms" he exclaim something to the soldiers and we start walking. Amelia, realizing that she is left shout over "Wait, I'm coming with you !" Napoleon glance back "No ! Our fight is not with you !" Then I ask back "then why I'm with you ?"

He snicker "You ms, have the power"

I frown 'The Power' ?


We arrive at a room and "greet" by Kahmunrah . "Hello Mr Daley, Ms Narta. Nice to see you again" he smirk "now if you don't mind I'm goint to take that" he take the Tablet and place it on the Gate. He start pressing the combination and talk "Finally. Finally! After 3,000 years, my evil army of the damned, my beautiful, beautiful army, shall be unleashed!"

We look around but found.....Nothing,at all. He look back and sigh nervously. "I'm afraid that Mother and Father may have slightly changed the combination on me" and I hear Larry chuckle and say something but I can't hear it as I feel the coldness again.

I close my eyes and found myself in the crate. I look around but I think they can't sense me. What I found is that General Custer is talking on and on about himself and the other except the Neandthetharls is bored. I glance at Ahkmnerah who is sitting next Atilla with his phone clutch tightly on his hand. "What the" I shake my head confusely.

Then I'm drag back to the real world as I hear Jed shouting "No touching ! No touching ! Don't you manhandle me!" I step forward "Hey put him down" the same time Larry say "put him down !" But Kahmunrah open a hourglass and dump Jed inside and turn it.

"I don't think he has all night, atleast one hour" he take the Tablet and shove it to Larry "You were the guardian! You know all about this tablet. You're obviously much more clever than the rest of us" then he turn to me "And you are granted The Power from my brother" he pause "You may or may not know the combination, but I am going to give you exactly one hour to figure it out. If you do not, I shall kill your friends. And please don't think about escaping, for I shall be watching you"

Larry start to speak "Look I don't even know how to start decipher this thing ok" I whisper to him "I know, come on" I glance at Jed and mouthed "Be safe". We jog to the place where we are before. I stop walking and block him "Ok look" I pause "that the second time you tell people I am your daughter, whats the meaning of that ?". He sigh "Its just that I had a feelng to protect you as a father"

I smile and bring him into a hug. Suddenly out of nowhere Amelia appear, "There you are, I've been worried sick, sick I tell you". Larry mumble "We are fine, we just need to translate this Tablet" he pause and glance at me "Didn't you read hieroglyphics ?" He ask me.

"I do" I take the Tablet and try to translate it. "Err" I give it back "I only understand half of it". They look at me "Its ok, go on". I sigh "Center of The Pharaoh's Tomb" I pause "but whats with that ?". Larry lead our steps and say "We'll find out"

Oh, how I wish to understand all of it.


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