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POV: Meredith Grey
I grabbed my coffee and ran off to work, I didnt want to be late. I kissed goodbye to Derek and waited for Alex and Cristina in the car. * honk honk *
" C'mon i dont wanna be late." I yelled. Cristina came out the door, " Where is Alex " I asked her
" I dont know, probably making out with lexie, how is the baby? " Christina asked me reading the news. I rolled my eyes and yelled at alex one more time.
" Its only 7 weeks I dont know how im supposed to feel " i answered her.

Arrived at the hospital-----

"Hey Yang! your late" said Jackson chuckling " Oh shut up harper avery grandson " she replied back. I chuckled  becuase he hates it when christina refers to him as the harper avery's grandson.
" Karev, your with me " Arizona said.
Lexie met us in the pit. " Hey guys have you seen Alex? "
" no, why you wanna smoochie " I said, she chuckled and rolled her eyes.
" Little grey your with me "
" Adamson and Percy , your covering the pit and Kepner with Shepard and Avery with Bailey.
" Yang your with Altman, and Grey your on scut. " Torres yelled
"scut again" I complained.

No one POV
Moments later...

Adamson goes in the supply room to grab a chest tube.
" Exuse me ma'am " Gary Clark asked in a deep sad voice said.
" Its doctor what?" she answered
" I was wondering if you could tell me, where is could find Dr. Derek Shepherd"  he asked her.
" Umm, you know, i dont know " she answered him back
" Can you tell me where his office is? Im kinda turned around here."
" Sir, you know i have a patient having seizeurs in there, Go find a nurse and ask them"
" Ma'am"
" look your not even suppose to be back here anyway"
April was writing in her little notebook, when she trips over reed. She hit her nose on the ground making it bleed. But she noticed that there was way more blood on the ground then what came out from her nose. It covered her whole jacket and scrubs. She looked over to see her best friend lying there dead with a gun shot to her head. She ran upstairs to the Cheif's office. " Chei- cheif, ummm I think that there is a shooter in th-the hospital. " April said to Richard Webber.
" April you okay, are you hurt ?" Richard asked worried about his co-workers.
" Im ok, but I think Reed is dead."
" Okay change into my scrubs and im putting this hospital on lockdown." Richard said worring about his patients.
Gary went into the elevator who happends to run into Jackson.
" Exsuse me sir, do you know where I can find Dr. Derek shepard?"
" Uhh, yea the east wing "
" thank you, and where would that be?"
" 4th floor "
" Thank you so very much, have a good day" Gary said walking in that direction

Lexie was walking down the hallway, and went into a random door, she wasn't feeling the best, she needed to rest after a big diffcult surgery.
She went into a random on-call room. She laid down on the bed and put her hand on her fore-head.
Gary reconized Lexie and saw her walk in the on-call room. " She is the one who pulled the plug " he said him my self. He didnt notice Dr. Sloan, Dr.Bailey and Dr. Torres were in the corner, " I gotta go check up on my post-op patients, let's go torres!" Bailey said. I walked to the restroom which were right across the on-call room.
Gray entered lexie's room.
"Sir, can i help you, are you lost?" she said
" Ca-can you help me (chuckled) YOU killed my love, you unplugged her machine."
* pulls gun out *
"Oh Mr. Clark, Im sosorry for your loss, but...
* mimicking lexie* "But what, what can you do now.
and BOOM he shoots her right in her abdomen causing her to fall back and go unconscious. Gary quickly left the room.
Mark heard a BOOM and saw a creepy old guy with some blood on his jacket, leaving the on-call room looking suspisious. He felt like something bad had happend. He went to go check what had happened and he saw a beautiful women, " LEXIE! " he screamed.
Lexie was laying on the floor, unconscious with blood all around her.
" I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE NOW!!!!!" Mark yelled. He got out his phone to call someone, anyone to tell them to take cover. He saw that Derek was the last person he called.
" Derek DEREK!"
" what do ya need Mark?"
" There is a shooter in the hospial!"
" wha- mark thats not funny, how do you know?"
" beause someone just shot little grey!, I need you to go tell Webber to put the hospital on lockdown. NOW!"
" uh okay , how is she?"
" I dont know, Can you tell torres or bailey or anyone to bring some supplies for a G.S.W to the abdomen in on-call room 3
" Uh yea sure ill page someone. Do you know who the shooter is?"
" yea about a white male in his 70's, and hey watch out for yourself "
"okay, good luck"
Derek got up and called Richard
" Richard there is a shooter in the hospital, Lexie grey got shot in a On-call room."
" I know, you need to get yourself safe"
" No i have to look for Meredith, I have to make sure that she is safe."
" okay, just be careful and if you suspect the shooter tell me immediately."
Derek went and called Bailey
" Bailey, there is a shooter in the hospital, and Little grey got shot in on-call room 3, Mark found her and he needs supplies and he needs help NOW!"
" wha-what there is a WHAT?"
" a shooter, now go get lots of supplies and Help Mark now."
Bailey quickly entered the on-call room where Lexie was. She brought lap-pads, chest tube, and lots more except for blood and meds.
" Bailey thank god, I controlled her wound, with my lab coat, but we need to hook her up to a machine now, and her pulse is very weak." Mark said scared too death

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