Me: I'm just checking." I said. I kissed her lips to keep her distracted as I carefully pressed down on her ribs. She whimpered as I moved up with every press. Everything felt fine, and I was glad that she was healing right.

Me: you coming wit me today." I mumbled as I looked back at her face.

Me: you not leaving my side or my sight." I promised.

Standing up, I went to her closet and grabbed some shorts and a soft tank top. I looked for something to easily slip on her, but found nothing. Turning to my side, I grabbed one of my buttoned down t shirts and added to her clothes. I grabbed some underwear and threw it on top of her clothes that I placed on the bed.

I grabbed some clothes for myself and turned on the shower, letting it warm up. I went back to the bed and stood over Cyn. Reaching down, she groaned as I sat her up, I grabbed the waistband of her shorts as she held on to me.

Cyn: Lucas stop.." she begged as I slid her pants down. I ignored her and carefully slid her pants down her thighs and off her legs. Grabbing her shirt, I tugged at it as she finally opened her eyes.

Me: I need to get this off of you lil mama." I said as she looked at me.

Her eyes were still a glossy red as she looked down at me. She lifted her hands up and I quickly slid the shirt off.

Standing up, I grabbed the dirty clothes and placed them in the hamper before helping her to the shower. She stepped in, and veered away from the water as I undressed. Throwing my clothes in a pile on the ground, I stepped in the shower and closed the shower door.

I washed up quickly as she leaned on the shower wall. Her eyes slowly closed and I knew it was painful standing there.

Rinsing the soap, I carefully grabbed her hips and pulled her to me. The warm water trinkled down her breast as she let it cover her face. Switching behind her, I let her wash her face as I carefully grabbed the soap and washed between her legs.

Cyn: no wash cloth." she groaned making me frown.

Me: what you mean?" I said.

Cyn: use your fingers please.." she mumbled.

Me: oh shit that's right." I said after I caught on. She had this new thing about not washing her private area with a wash cloth, gentle fingers would do.

Taking the bar of soap, I soaped my hands up before carefully cleaning her down there. I smirked to myself as she moaned a little as I carefully rubbed the soap around her clit.

Rinsing my hands I rubbed the soap out of her vagina and couldn't help but suck my fingers making her smile.

Cyn: your disgusting." she blushed.

Me: how?" I laughed. She shrugged and carefully washed under her arms. Turning the water off, I dried off and watched as she did the same. Getting dressed, I carefully slipped my gun in my belt loop. Looking in the mirror, I put my wedding ring on and put my chain on before making sure my hair was good.

Me: aight baby you ready?" I said coming into the room. She was standing there with just her underwear on making me sigh.

Me: Cyn you suppose to be getting dressed ma." I sighed.

Cyn: I-I can't." she winced. Sighing, I went over and grabbed her tank top from the dresser.

Cyn: everytime I move it hurts." she said looking at me with glossy eyes.

Me: let me help you then.." I said.

Squatting down, I held the open part of her tank top, she frowned but stepped in and held my shoulders as I shifted it up her thighs and her stomach. Taking her hands, I helped her slip them threw the straps. Grabbing my button down shirt, I held it while she put her arms through. Buttoning it for her, I grabbed a hair tie off her dresser and turned her to the mirror as I placed a nice messy bun on her head.

Resolution: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now