That 70's Show

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Stop asking me if monsters are real

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Stop asking me if monsters are real.

Name: Aurelia Maria Rosenberg
Age: 16
Role: Foreign exchange student from Romania
Personality: Aurelia may seem reserved when you first meet her. But once she opens up, she is a very funny and outgoing person. She is adventurous and very kind and compassionate toward others.
Likes: Aurelia loves horror movies, especially the classics with Bela Legosi. She also loves to be in nature and dance along to Jefferson Airplane

Dislikes: She absolutely hates when people keep asking her if monsters are real.
Background: In a foreign exchange program, Aurelia Rosenberg is assigned to stay with the Formans for a few years. This is where she befriends Eric and the others
Crush: Fez or Eric
Voice claim: Patricia Quinn (magenta w/ messy orangeish hair in the video)

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