Jin was there though, but he's just sitting quietly on his sit, as he kept looking down on his plate. She noticed how his jaw clenched from time to time while he glanced at the two other people, who were sitting adjacent to his parents.

Those two persons was facing their back from Jisoo, so she didn't have a clear and full view of their faces.

But then despite of that, she still knew who were they. And she was so sure of their identity.

The table was quiet, with tension filling up the whole atmosphere inside the dining room.

None of them were bothering to start eating, maybe because of the tension and mixed emotions that each of them were feeling.

Jisoo stayed rooted from where she  was currently standing, trying to process everything.

Is this a dream or what? Am I still sleeping? Please wake me up from this nightmare!

Why are they here? What is it this time?

Jin was the first one to noticed her presence.

He was about to approach her but she immediately shook her head and took a step back, signaling him not to go to her.

She felt numb at the moment, her knees were wobbling like jellies and her tears were threatening to fall down.

She was about to turn her back and left without uttering any word and without letting her presence be known to them but much to her dismay, one of those persons turned her head and looked at her direction.

The lady gave her a plain smile--no, a sarcastic smile, maybe.

Her breath hitched as she met the gaze of that lady, her heart started to beat so loud and fast, out of the rush of emotions flooding her whole system right now.

She caught the sight of Jin's parents looking at her worryingly.

She bit her lower lip, thinking of the best thing to do.

Should I just turn my back and ran away?

Should I approach them?

Ah Jisoo! What to do! What to do?!

Her thoughts was cut off when the woman suddenly spoke up.

"Oh my Jisoo, are you gonna stand there forever?", the woman said, a tone of sarcasm could be hinted from her voice.

Jisoo blinked three times, before thinking of the right words to say. But then her mouth automatically let out a series of words.

"Why are you here?"

She didn't intended to make her tone loud and a bit harsh, but the rush of emotions she felt right now made her to.

The man who was sitting beside the woman turned his head to look at her as well.

"Is that how you greet your parents Jisoo? How rude of you"

She bit her lower lip again, this time, because of so much annoyance.

Parents huh? So funny how you called yourselves as my parents when you didn't even acted as one.

God knows how much she wanted to say those words out loud, but she chose not to.

Now's not the time to start an argument with them.

She looked away from them as she tried to calm herself down.

She saw Jin watching her intently, curious of what her next move could be.

She managed to gave him a small smile before she sighed and faced her parents once again.

"Hello Mom, Dad", she said, trying to show a brave face. "It's nice to see the both of you again"

Her parents grinned.

And then an awkward silence filled the air.

Jin's mom was the one to break it, calling Jisoo to join them.

"Come here now Jisoo-yah, so we could start eating our breakfast", she said giving Jisoo an awkward smile.

Jisoo smiled back and nodded her head, taking the seat infront of Jin and beside her mother.

She was about to put some foods on her plate but was cut off when her mother spoke up.

"Skip school for today Jisoo, I believe we have a long-long story to talk about"

And that was when Jisoo had the worst breakfast she ever had, because of the two people sitting next to her.

A/N: Annyeong!!! Here's a late update haha.

Sooooo, Jisoo's parents entered the scene😱😭 Are you guys ready for the next chapters? Cause I'm telling you, secrets were going to be unfolded soon haha.

If you're curious about the 'deal' between Jisoo and her parents, then congrats, because your question would be going to be answered very soon😊

Anyways, that would be all for today, enjoy reading, god bless and keep safe everyone! Lovelots💓💋

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