Tara Bhai

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Okay, so Tara Bhai is a gangster. Her biggest nemesis is Bamboo Khan. They have been rivals since school years and whenever Bamboo Khan tries to rob a bank or take over someone's club, Tara Bhai and her goons come and fight him. Because Tara Bhai wants complete control of the town. Bamboo Khan is the only thing that stands in her way. She is a butcher, which is something that Bamboo Khan likes to make fun of.

However, one day, Tara Bhai loses her temper and she captures one of Bamboo Khan's goons. Bamboo Khan tries to locate him, but he fails. He finds a parcel of meat in front of his doorstep. This is the head and hands of the goon Tara Bhai captured. Bamboo Khan takes this as a challenge from Tara Bhai. He comes and they two of them duel with revolvers. However, the police come and break up the fight. Tara Bhai escapes though. Reshmi Churi is put in custody along with the other goons of Tara Bhai.

Tara Bhai comes back though, breaks her goons out of jail and they go and find Bamboo Khan. Bamboo Khan's best friend's name is Fabio. There are false rumours that Bamboo Khan and Fabio are in a relationship. Tara Bhai and Reshmi Churi decide to use this to humiliate Bamboo Khan. However, their town is very inclusive and when edited photos of Bamboo Khan and Fabio kissing are leaked, everyone gets angry at Tara Bhai. So Tara Bhai has to come up with a new plan to humiliate Bamboo Khan.

Tara Bhai is athletic and wears a lungi and long-sleeved buttoned shirt. She always rolls up the sleeves. She wears a loose dupatta on her head. She has some scars on her face and arms. She is middle-aged. Her hair is matted and black. It is so black, when you see her in the dark, she looks bald. She also has dark black eyes, and doesn't look conventionally attractive. She has a silver tooth.

Reshmi Churi, her secretary, is dark, slim and very attractive. She wears her hair in plaits and loves sleeveless Punjabi suits. Reshmi Churi is so dark, that if a drop of melted dark chocolate fell on her face, it will almost be invisible. All the male gangsters in Tara Bhai's group are simps for Reshmi Churi.

Bamboo Khan is tall and fat. But he is super strong. He can pick up two full-grown men and spin them around. His wife's name is Laila Begum. She was a prostitute before he married her. She makes the best sulaimani tea in the town. But Tara Bhai and Reshmi Churi don't know that Laila is Bamboo Khan's wife. It's because they like their privacy.

Laila Begum is also very dark, but she is slightly curvy. She puts henna in her long hair, which makes it reddish brown. She is 15 years younger than Bamboo Khan. The only man she cares about is Bamboo Khan, who chose to love and marry her in spite of her former profession.

I also imagined Tara Bhai with a butcher knife. Actually, she has a vast collection of swords and knives. She is an expert at chopping and cutting stuff up. One time, she cut up Bamboo Khan's lungi with a small palette knife. He barely felt it, but when she was done, the lungi fell off his loins in a hundred shreds. Everyone saw his boxers. It had pictures of Mickey Mouse on them.

Tara Bhai is a strict follower of Islam. She also wears eyeliner. She wears a pendant given by her mom that says "الله". But no one sees it because she keeps it in her shirt (Which means Allah is always close to her heart).

Tara Bhai has a niece whom she loves to death. Tara bhai is usually very rough and tough outside but you can see her soft side when she is with her niece, Anisa- her dead brother's daughter. Maybe the only living relative she has.

One day, Bamboo Khan threatened to kidnap Anisa, and Tara Bhai got really furious. That could be the climatic fight.

Does Tara Bhai have a love interest? Yeah. She sees this British tourist one day in her town. His name is Louis. But she doesn't marry though. And then sings a song- only for an item number, where Louis dances shirtless and Tara Bhai is dressed as a Qawwali singer and sings to him as a bunch of fairies pour water over him.

How about Bamboo Khan's wife Laila kills him? Then in the climax when she realises that Laila, who made her the best tea, was Bamboo's wife, it would make both of them like thirsty for revenge.

Tara Bhai is the city don ever since she set foot there. But she is Bamboo Khan's childhood rival. That is all we know of her backstory. They went to school together, and she mysteriously disappeared after finishing school. When she returned, she met Bamboo Khan and their rivalry was rekindled. Janak is the name of Bamboo Khan's small, slender personal assistant. He makes a lot of lame jokes and when Bamboo Khan gets angry at him, he hits him. And Laila always scolds Bamboo Khan for hitting Janak. Reshmi Churi has a secret crush on Janak though.

Songs for the film:
1. A song about Tara Bhai's power
2. A romantic song for Bamboo Khan and Laila
3. A dance number for Bamboo Khan and Laila
4. An item number featuring Louis and Tara Bhai
5. An item number featuring Reshmi Churi
6. A melody featuring Tara Bhai and Anisa

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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