Chapter 4 - Saiko's House

Start from the beginning

"You said you didn't miss my handsome face yet here you are at my door so quick." He smirked at me. Great, he's already gotten the wrong idea by me just trying to bring him his worksheets, brilliant. I started back at him intensely, trying to pull back my hand.

Aren coughed as to signal that they were there as well. Saiko let go of me and let out an agitated groan, he moved over to the side to look at them.

"What are you commoners doing here? Do you want to borrow money or something?"

"As it happens, I came to deliver these worksheets to you since you weren't at school," I said prying them out of my bag and handing them over to him.

Saiko took the worksheets from my hand and looked back to the group of boys behind me.

"It is understandable why you're here (y/n), but if they aren't delivering the worksheets why did they tag along?" Saiko scoffed, I had a feeling he wanted them to leave so we could be alone. Not happening buster. 

"It doesn't matter why we're here! Weren't you supposed to be in Dubai?" Aren questioned him, I am sure he despises him the most out of everyone here. It makes sense though as Saiko did get him arrested. 

"I flew back this afternoon on my private jet." 

"I didn't hear anything about you flying back!" Aren countered.

Unaware of the current tension Nendou said something. "Oh! This must be the transfer student's house! It's awesome you should invite us in!" 

Uh please no, I simply wanted to drop off the papers then leave. Nendou you dummy, can't you see none of us are interested in entering? Please say no Saiko, please say no.

"Sure, why not! It's the only time you losers will have contact with luxury like this!" He laughed as he guided us all inside. Wonderful.

We walked into his front yard, looking around I could observe various luxury cars in a massive garage to the side. Vasts amount of land spread across the property, it seemed as though the place was growing its own private forest. There were even enormous statues scattered around the scenery and monumental fountains on both ends.

If I married him, I could obtain all of this... Wait, marriage?! (Y/N) snap out of it! I frantically shook my head from side to side, as if I could shake the thoughts out of my head.

"Ha, this is nothing! The parking garage in my neighborhood is bigger than the one here. Looking at it makes me realize how small everything is!" Kuboyasu said. He sounds like he's trying to convince himself that this place isn't absolutely remarkable.

"Even this statue looks cheap!" He commented touching it as though it was a hand railing on the side of a public staircase. 

"It's worth 100 million yen."

"100 million yen?! Hahaha, that seems about right. Small change haha..." Aren slowly backed away from the statue, I'm sure he was afraid of breaking it and having to owe Metori money.

"This place... Is gorgeous!" My eyes started sparkling, I frankly don't care about those guys opinions. I can't lie to myself, this place is definitely beautiful.

Saiko laughed, about to probably respond with some arrogant remark until Kaidou cut in.

"Those statues!! Wait don't tell me they are made to seem like normal statues but then there is a hidden button that causes them to attack us when we walk by!!"

"They don't move!" Saiko exclaimed surprised Kaidou believed they moved in the first place.

"Ah, so they really just are normal statues huh..." Kaidou said dejectedly, looking at the ground in disappointment. Saiko had visible sweatdrops on his head, most likely panicking at how unimpressed the boys are acting. 

"Let's go inside I'm getting cold," Nendou said slightly shivering as he held himself.

I looked over at Metori he seemed to be getting quite annoyed by their behavior. I couldn't help but sigh at how childish he was acting, but it was kinda adorable... In a way.

We walked a substantial amount of distance before reaching the foyer of his house. Various expensive paintings lined the walls. Many of them displaying beautiful nature scenery. 

"The whole front room decor cost about 700 billion yen!" Saiko boasted as he crossed his arms proudly.

"700 billion yen..." Kuboyasu looked at the artwork apprehensively.

I studied the art closely looking at the details of each brush stroke the artist made as well as the choice of the color palette. It wasn't until I heard Metori yell did I realize what was happening. 

"Hey don't handle that so carelessly!"

"Aren't you being a bit stingy?" Nendou said with a hint of annoyance.

Nendou had grabbed one of the paintings and was holding it as though it was just a manga from the convenience store. Saiko on the other hand had quickly removed the item from his grasps, I am sure he mentioned that painting being 2.3 billion yen as well.

"Tch! Whatever, you bring HIM out."

Suddenly Saiko's guard brought over a massive tiger into the room.

"You commoners have pets correct? Well, this is mine!"

I looked over to Nendou who was already rubbing the tiger's belly, and the tiger being super friendly towards him. I went over to pet the tiger as well; he was so majestic and pretty. Saiko continued to try and impress the guys with his variety of expensive goods until Nendou mentioned leaving to get ramen.

Aren dragged me out of the room with them. Ugh, I don't want to get ramen with these fools they've been hanging around me all day. I got out of Aren's grip, and he turned to face me.

"Are you coming?" He inquired, very puzzled about why I was staying behind.

"I think I left something behind in the room. I'm going back to get it."

"Want me to com-"

"No, I am not a child I will be fine on my own." I briskly walked off letting out an agitated huff. Thankfully he took the hint and rejoined the others.

I did not leave anything in the room. In fact, I wanted to stay behind and pet the tiger some more. Not to check on Saiko or anything because he seemed dejected by the guys' reactions. Not at all... I slowly opened the door to see Saiko on the ground, resting on his knees.

He angrily summoned his guard and advised him to prepare something. I tried not to stand out as I slipped in but the door surprisingly let out a creak. As his guard walked off, Saiko turned to face me. Shit, I've been caught.

(A/N: I'm not feeling this book right now so I'm going to be taking a break from it to write some other books I have meant to write. Updates will happen irregularly)

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