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for the sake of my story, 1D had a five year contract with syco which ended in 2016 so the boys didn't renew it (Why would they) opting to take a break instead.

for those who aren't familiar with the omegaverse heres a basic rundown of the different status's


•male or female
•alphas are able to impregnate Omega's and sometimes betas
•more aggressive
•are extremely protective of their Mate and will growl at those who threaten or upset them
•strong scents
•when around children (Including their own) they are big teddy bears
•Some are Quick tempered (Less so if mated)
•They like to spoil their mates

(Liam and Louis)


•are like us
•typically bond with each other (Male beta's can impregnate omegas and Alpha's can impregnate female Betas)
•weak scent
•great peacemakers - can stop two Alphas from butting heads
•Very organised and adaptable


•male and female (Both can be impregnated)
•omega's can calm their Alpha or children down with their scents
•they are the most fertile during their heats (which varies from every month to three times a year in my story it's every two months)
•Not aggressive
•Omegas are cuddly with their mate/Friends/Family
•Omegas are possessive of their families and homes
•they are calming
•Sweet personalities and tend to draw people to them
•Are very tactile
(Harry and Zayn)

Omegas are known to be smaller then Alpha's and betas so in this story Harry is 5'7 or 5'8 and Louis is 5'9

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