"I know but, I feel like I still need to out of respect for you." I just laugh and continue to get into the gown. Just as I finish getting dressed Dr. Ruiz knocks at the door.

"Ok Miss Jacklyn I just need you to lie back and scooch yourself all the way at the end of table and put your feet in the stirrups. Now I know the wand looks scary, but I promise you it is not that bad. You'll feel some pressure, but I promise it won't hurt." I follow what he says as he gets the machine ready. Before I know it, the screen shows a tiny little blob right inside of me. I start to tear up seeing my tiny little baby on the screen.

"Ok and there is your guy's baby right there." Dr. Ruiz points to the little blob as I look over to see Corey's face. His face is an awe of what he sees as he takes my hand and kisses it. "You look like you are measuring to be about 7 weeks along and right there that little flicker you see is the baby's heartbeat."

Out of nowhere you can hear fast thud in the room. My eyes start to water as a tear falls from my face Corey is quick to wipe it away. I look over to him and see his eyes are filled with tears too as we both smile at each other. I quickly wipe away his tears as Dr. Ruiz brings us back to reality.

"Baby has a nice strong heartbeat, placenta looks good, everything looks good. I would say your due to give birth on the 23rd of March" I smile knowing so far everything looks good and I don't have anything to worry about until I get out of the first trimester. "I'm going to order bloodwork and I will see you at your next appointment which will be when you are 13 weeks." Dr. Ruiz turns the light back on as he hands me the pictures he took from the ultrasound. Corey stands over me as we both look at our baby captured on a piece of paper.

"Sound good Dr. Ruiz, thank you!" With that he leaves the room leaving me to get dressed.


Corey and I are in his car as he drives back to his house. Since the day I've told him I was pregnant I've been staying at his house. I've been too scared to spend the night at my apartment since it was broken into so I've just been staying with Corey until I can rent a new apartment which is hopefully soon. I hate feeling like I'm a burden and although Corey says I can stay as long as I like I still feel like a burden. I think the only one to blame is Hunter making me feel like a burden our whole relationship.

Corey grabs my thigh pulling me out of my thoughts, "So, how are going to tell people?" He focuses back on the road as I look out the window wondering the same thing.

"Well, I want to wait until I'm at least 12 weeks because by then I'll be out of my first trimester meaning there will be less of a chance of miscarrying." I look over to him as he nods and pulls up to his house.

"Ok that sounds good but that still doesn't answer my question. I just want to let you know I'm not ashamed of you or our baby I just want to tell people in the right manner."

"Thanks Corey that's honestly really reassuring. Honestly, I don't know what to tell people, but I've been thinking, and I think I'm going to put in my two weeks tomorrow. I just don't think it's a good idea to continue working there once the news gets out." Corey sighs and nods knowing this is really my only option if I want to be respected still.

"I'm sorry I know how much you loved your job. Do you know what you're going to do next?"

"I'm not really sure, I got a degree in journalism, but I've been thinking about starting my own blog one day maybe know is the best timing. I've always been interested in photography so; I think I'm going to start my own photography blog and hopefully get some clients. I have enough savings to get me by for three months but after that I hope I start making enough money to get me by."

"I think that's a good idea you'll be great at it but you don't have to worry about getting by I'll take care of you and the baby." I sigh and put my head in my hands. "Corey I know that but I don't want to have to depend-" Before I get to finish Corey interrupts me.

"Move in with me!" I look over to him shocked at what he just said. "Move in with me, be my girlfriend, let me take care of you. Jackie that first day I saw you on spring training I knew you were the girl for me. I knew some way or another you were going to change my life and I'll be damned if you were going to change it and not be my girlfriend. I know this is a lot and were probably moving fast but fuck we already have a baby together why not move fast! I'm over Mady, I'm tired of being hold back from that relationship I know what feels right and this, YOU feel right." Corey grabs my hands and kisses them, "Jacklyn Maria Rizzo, be my girlfriend?" I burst into tears after hearing what Corey's feeling are for me. I never thought I would be able to find someone as great to be by my side, but I found one and I hope I will never have to let him go.

"Ok." Is all I can let out before Corey captures my lips with his. Just like before I lose my breath and all thoughts it's just me, him and our baby. I honestly couldn't be any happier than I am right now. 

Author's Note

Omg!! They're finally together! What do you guys think about that, love it, hate it? Well I just want to let you know that I most likely won't be able to update until after finals which will be mid December. So until then I love you guys make sure you vote and comment what you guys think! ok byeeee

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