Chapter 12

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Biana walked towards "the tree" and gasped! There were candles and rose pedals on the path leading up to the lit-up tree. Under, Tam was standing in an very handsome outfit. It was a black suit, complete with a bow tie :) Biana's eyes watered as she walked up to him. He smelt amazing. She leaned in and inhaled. He grabbed her hands and forced her eyes up to his. 

"Biana, you take me for who I am. To everyone else, I'm just a lowly stable boy. But to you, Biana, you make me feel important. Someone worth loving." he let go of her hands and slowly got down on one knee. Biana put her hand to her mouth, and started softly crying. "Will you change my life and marry me next week?" he finished. 

"Oh Tam!" Biana yelled and ran to him. He grabbed her in his arms, and kissed her with everything in him. 
"Yes!" she answered, and was never happier in her entire life. He smiled and picked her up, twirling her around. 


It was the night before the wedding. Biana was so nervous. Nessie was making her soak in a scented bathtub, with a face mask, every spa treatment possible, and she had to go to bed at 7:30. Linh and her were making sure that there was no reason for Biana to look bad. She sighed, and soaked into her bath. After she was done, she got in fuzzy pj's and slippers. She laid down on her bed and grabbed a book to read, when there was a knock on the door. She yelled come in, and Alden walked in. He held a letter in his hand. 

"Hey darling." he said, "what are you doing?" 

"Hi daddy. Just getting into bed. Big day tomorrow, ya know?" 

"Of course. I um...have something for you." he said. 

"Ok..." Biana said sitting up. 

"Well, I just want to say that if your mom was still here, she would be very proud of you. And I wish she could see what a beautiful young woman you are becoming." he said, eyes filling up with tears. A tear ran down Biana's face, "" he said, handing her an envelope. 

"What is this?" Biana asked looking at the familiar cursive handwriting on the envelope. It read, Biana

"The night before your mom died, she gave me this letter to give to you on your 18th birthday. I figured tonight was as good as a night as any other." he said. Biana was speechless as she opened up the letter, hands shaking. 


My darling Biana, 

You just walked into my room a few minutes ago. You are such a cute six year old! I laughed a lot today just watching you. I love the joy you put into my life. But if you are reading this, you are now 18. No doubt, a beautiful girl. You are shocked right now that you are getting a letter from your 10 years dead mother. But this is my gift to you...

18 was a big year for me. It was the year I married my best friend, and became Queen of England. I wrote this letter to give you advice. If I was there right now, sitting next to you, we would be talking about makeup, boys, and clothes. But I'm not. And I'm sorry. Before I got sick, I had dreamed at a life with my only girl, you growing up and us becoming best friends. When I got diagnosed, I had to change those thoughts. I made everything as easy as I could, making Nessie my handmaid, and wrapping everything I could up. Tonight I am writing this letter because I know my time is soon. I wanted to say this:

I hope you fall in love with being alive. I hope you pick flowers, and read books, and dance in the rain, and understand that life is so much more than an opinion from others. I hope you feel pursued and gain knowledge. I hope you're wise. I hope you have the best of friends, and make memories. I hope you feel the joys of genuine laughter. I hope you're healthy. I hope you treat yourself well, and respect yourself, but have fun. In fact, I hope your life is full of fun. Because you never know when it might be someone's last. Their last smile, last laugh. Last hello, last goodbye. Last hug, last kiss. And this, my precious girl, is all of my lasts in one. My last hope for you. Keep being the beautiful, independent woman I know you are. Never forget that you are a princess inside and out. Rule as queen. I love you, 



Biana let out a sob. She clutched the paper to her chest and Alden came over. Holding her in his arms, he began to cry as well. Hearing the commotion from his room, Fitz knocked on the door. When no one answered, and he heard cries, he walked in taking in the situation. Seeming to understand what was happening, he joined them and created a family bear hug. Separate, they looked weak, but together they were strong.  

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