Chapter 10 - Element of Surprise

Start from the beginning

We make it to the door without being seen and hear the lock turn from the inside. He pushes the door open and quickly nocks an arrow, shooting it at a Telmarine who just entered the opposite door.

"Nice shot," I mutter under my breath, following him into the room and shutting the door behind us.

"Ah. We were expecting someone... you know, taller." Reep says.

"You're one to talk." Trumpkin replies.

"Was that supposed to be irony?" He says sarcastically.

"I'm not that short," I whisper to myself.

We secure the room and I head to the window to see if Caspian has made it to the courtyard yet. There's no one in sight.

"Caspian isn't to the gate yet."

"What? Someone has to be there to open it." Trumpkin says. I glance back at the window hoping to see him burst out into the yard at any second. But he doesn't, so I head for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Reep shouts.

"Someone has to open the gate," I say, swinging open the door, leaving, and shutting it behind me. I sprint down the steep stairs and just when I make it to the bottom, the sound of bells ringing fills my ears. Adrenaline rushes through me as I hear soldiers shouting and I take off towards the gate. I start pushing the wheel when I hear Peter yell from the other side of the courtyard.

"Now Ed! Now! Signal the troops!"

"I'm a bit busy Pete!" Edmund yells back, struggling against a Telmarine who's trying to push him off the tower. I've barely managed to push the gate up a few inches but I keep trying. Peter intercepts two soldiers that were heading for me, quickly striking them down. Caspian and Susan emerge from the back of the courtyard as Peter runs to help me. We both grunt with the immense amount of effort it's taking.

"Peter! It's too late!" Susan says. I stop pushing and look to Caspian. "We have to call it off while we still can."

"No! I can still do this. Help me." Caspian sheathes his sword and comes to help us. I start pushing again and the wheel moves much easier with the four of us.

"Exactly who are you doing this for Peter?" Susan asks, clearly angry with his decision to stay and fight. He stays silent. The shouts of soldiers leak into the courtyard and my breath hitches. I've never actually fought anyone, only ever practiced against my aunt. I can hear the Narnians yelling and getting closer to us. I push harder and the gate finally opens all the way. All the Narnians charge through, filling the courtyard just as fast as Telmarines are. Caspian and Peter draw their swords, Susan an arrow, and me, a dagger in each hand.

"For Narnia!" Peter yells, running straight into the battle, the three of us following.

I quickly lose the others in all the confusion. Telmarines and Narnians are everywhere. When the first soldier comes at me, I hesitate, not wanting to hurt anyone. My mind flashes to my aunt. The first thing she taught me about combat is the moment you hesitate in battle is the moment you die. I didn't know it then, but she had been preparing me for this. Times goes in slow motion as the man swings his sword, aiming at my head. I duck and bring my blade slicing across his thigh. He cries out in pain and takes another swing at me. This time I go for the side of his neck. Blood leaks from the cut as he collapses and doesn't move. My blade drips with the thick red liquid as I look away from his body.

I run back into the fray of the battle and spot Caspian. He's cornered at the massive well in the middle of the yard by three soldiers. I immediately try to make my way to him, dodging other soldiers and Narnians in battles of their own. Caspian manages to take one of them out, but the others are too close for him to block. Without even thinking, I throw both of my knives, one after the other in the two remaining soldiers' backs. I hear them grunt as they slump to the ground. He looks up at me, shocked, but my view is blocked by another Telmarine. This one's helmet has been knocked off and blood is dripping from his mouth. It's only then that I realize, I've made myself weaponless in the middle of a battle.

"Althea!" I hear Caspian yell.

The soldier lunges at me and I dodge to the side, getting behind him. I don't bother trying to fight him. I spin around and start to head straight for Caspian. He's already doing the same and when I reach him, he pulls me behind me, using his sword to block an attack from the man. He grunts with the effort but manages to disarm him. Caspian doesn't wait and brings his blade down across the man's chest. He falls motionless to the ground, a puddle of blood gathering beneath him.

"Why would you do that?!" Caspian shouts, turning around. "You could've been killed!"

The shocking anger seeping from him makes me freeze in place. I just saved his life and he didn't even say thank you or seem grateful. I'm snapped out of my daze by a minotaur falling to the ground several feet away from me. I look at Caspian. Now isn't the time to argue about his unexpected reaction. I sprint to the fallen soldiers and wretch my blades from their backs. Caspian covering me the whole time. I turn back around and the two of us quickly take down two more Telmarines. I suddenly hear a huge crash on the other side of the courtyard. A large canister has fallen and knocked the wheel holding the gate up, causing it to fall. A minotaur lunges under it, holding it open.

"Fall back!" Peter shouts from above me. Caspian hears him and runs off, while I start telling other Narnians to head for the exit.

"We need to retreat now!" Peter jumps off the stairs and starts pointing at Susan. "Get her out of here!"

Glenstorm who was right beside me takes off toward her. I still don't see Caspian anywhere.

"Where is Caspian?" Peter yells to me.

"I don't know. I'll find him, you need to leave!" I say kicking a soldier away from me. I hear the minotaur start to growl from the effort of the gate, even though I'm on the complete opposite side of the courtyard. Peter looks panicked but starts to head for the exit like I told him. Caspian finally comes into my field of view. He's on a horse while an older man is behind him on his own and holding the reins to a third.

I watch as Caspian frantically looks around, first seeing Peter, then me. He urges his horse toward me while Peter heads for the spare one. I sheath my daggers and start running toward Caspian. He holds his arm out for me. I take it and he hauls me up behind him. His arm remains latched on to me, holding me steady until I wrap my own arms around his middle. I can see Peter and the older man heading to the gate and we quickly catch up to them.

Someone has started shooting arrows at the poor minotaur and his grip is slipping. We all barely make it through before I hear the gate fall behind us and the sickening crunch of the minotaur. I dare to look back and I see the huge creature crushed underneath it, leaving many of the Narnians trapped on the other side. Peter has stopped to look back at them and tears build up in my eyes. I can't bear to watch as they reach their arms through the bars so I bury my face into Caspian's back. He doesn't stop until we've made it to the other side of the draw bridge. Glenstorm and Susan are already waiting. The draw bridge starts to pull back up, but Peter is still on the other side.

"Peter! The bridge!" Caspian shouts. I tense and hold my breath behind him and Peter finally turns back around, narrowly making it across.
Hope you enjoyed :)
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