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A bright flash comes from the window,
Its brightness illuminated the whole room, which seems like seconds. it was quite windy outside, You could almost slice through the air with a kitchen knife. You could see the window being showred by the rain as well as the whole neighborhood. Aside the window was maxwell he was wondering what the noise and light came from. Maxwell gently placed there hand against the glass, do to cold and rain, his hand left a print on the window. He began to slowly doze off. Meanwhile the light glow coming from the desk was shining diffrent vibrant colors was beginning to talk. Val kept repeating Maxwell's name trying to find out what happened, and
Why he was so silent. Finally Maxwell seemed to awaken and heard a voice from his Computer. He didnt realize he was still on call and went to check his computer. Of course he had to forget to mute. Val then proceeded to check if he was muted. Once val saw max was unmuted, they asked "max were you suppost to be muted, are you alright?" Maxwell quickly pulled his chair to where his desk was. "Oh, hello! Sorry I dozed off and forgot to mute." He groaned and realized they were streaming and probably embarrassed himself in front of a bunch of people.
Val said he should get some rest and go to sleep, Maxwell simply agreed because he was tired and didnt wanna deal with the embarrassment anymore.
He thought "there probably gonna forget tomorrow anyway." "Right?" He fell asleep later that night thinking of this. He suddenly woke up in a "beach?"
He was quite used to waking up here, but didnt expect it to happen now. He walked for a while on the beach sand while looking at the sky, it was quite extraordinary, suddenly he heard a noise. What could it be? Or who could it be. He grabbed a stick incase of anything, he wasn't the greatest when things envolved self defense. He heard a low "hello?" He was quite surprised to find someone else here, he thought they were the only one to access his dreams? "Hello?" He said. "Max?" "Val?!" What are you doing here?" They both said at the same time. Maxwell answered with "well this is a place I come often it's pretty random, if you dont understand its practiclly a dream inside my head, you know the usual." Val just stared at him in disbelief "hey uh have you ever heard of a drug?" Maxwell looked at them in seriousness, "oh you are serious." Maxwell began to walk away val trailing from behind "where are we going?" Val said. Maxwell kept walking while saying "in between dreams I built a house! So were headed there so we dont fucking die!" Val just simply was shocked what have they gotten them selves into. "I could have just not slept and this wouldn't happen shit." They finally arrived and went inside not gonna lie it was pretty nice for a random house made with tools in this beach. Maxwell went to a mini fridge and pulled out some "FAYGO?" Val was pretty surprised. Maxwell asked val if they would like some. They of course answered with yes. Maxwell opened the faygo and a soon as he opened it a fucking explosion happned, the end. No just kidding heres the actual paragraph.
They enter the house, as soon as they do val feels a warm breeze wich feels like home. Then they proceed to sit down, val notices theres a tray of candy, maxwell notices " You can have as many as you desire, it's free real estate after all." He gives her a small smile. Val proceeded to grab a candy, maxwell mentioned if val wanted a drink, they responded with a nod, he gave her a smile and got some water.
Maxwell let val stay the night, morning arrived the sun strikes in as the Ray's of the sun shine in our faces they both wake up. Maxwell looks out the window and sees it's pretty safe to go out. They both go outside and sit beside the ocean, the ocean glimmered as if it were never polluted with trash it was..beautiful. they both layed down on the warm sand and closed there eyes it was certainly relaxing, maxwell sat back up and stood up heading a bit into the water. He could see his reflection behind himself he could see val beside him he smiled. It was the afternoon once they got dry, thank goodness to the sun they got dry much faster. They both sat down val sat much closer to val and grabbed sides of his face maxwell was in shock but let it happen as if it was what he has been waiting for.
Val go closer and whispered "I know you like me". He woke up, goddamint max why'd you wake up we were about to get to the good part. Max was in a state of pure SHOCK "did he really know?" "Maybe he was just joking?"
Soon after Maxwell's phone starts ringing he flinches at the random sound and realizes someone was calling him he gently picked up his phone and quickly answered "Who is this?" "Its val."


Ayo 889 words

Also val give me the cover for the book

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