2 - Drunk

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Imagine: You get drunk while the boys were out.

Age: 16

(Please do not drink until you are of legal age in your country)


1st person

I sat on my bed, flicking through the channels to see what would be juicy enough to cure my boredom. My brothers went out to get some groceries for us and offered me to come with them, but I declined because I never got the bunker to myself anymore. Now I was starting to regret it. There was nothing for me to entertain myself while they were gone, so I gave up and shut the TV off.

I tossed the remote on my bed, then got up and headed to the kitchen. I was a little hungry after all. There was a little bit of Chinese takeout that belonged to Dean, but he said I could have it if I ever was 'on the edge of starvation'. His words, not mine.

I pulled it out and heated it up, hearing the rice and orange chicken lightly pop as it cooked. Once it was done, I dove in instantly. I don't think I even tasted it when I realized I was already on my last piece of chicken. I frowned. What else was there to eat? After Dean forgot to pick up the groceries last week, Sam practically scolded him for it. That's why they were taking so long to pick up some simple groceries.

My hunger wasn't satisfied, so I dug through the fridge once more to see what was left. After moving a slice of cherry pie on a plate, I found a neat row of beer bottles in the back. They hadn't looked like they had been touched, either. Would it have made a difference if I... took a sip? I mean, Sam or Dean wasn't home to watch me sneak a taste. But, I knew they were going to scold me for it if I did. They always reminded me not to drink until I was 21.

Regardless, my curiosity got the better of me. I picked up the one in front of me, wondering how to get the lid to open. After giving myself a blister, it finally opened. I let my lips linger over the opening to the bottle, then I let the liquid fall in my mouth. I almost wanted to spit it out instantly, but that sweet taste made me keep it in. I swallowed once, letting out a groan afterward. I wouldn't say it was disgusting, but it was... interesting. It also had a great taste. I couldn't explain it, but I liked it.

I took another sip to taste the same liquid again, and it was less gross this time. Then I took another. Then another, and another, and another... until I realized the bottle was empty. I set the empty bottle down on the counter with ease, feeling a certain effect start to take over. I felt more calm, and I found myself giggling at nothing. That drink really did a number on me. So, in my drunken mind, I grabbed another beer from the fridge and chugged it down.

I was now completely in a haze. My mind was clouded with random thoughts, I couldn't walk straight and I had a slur as I spoke. Well, I wasn't speaking to no one in particular. I even laughed when I broke a chip in half. But, my laughing was interrupted when I heard a deep and scruffy voice say, "What the hell?"

3rd person

Sam and Dean made it to the bunker with a heavy load of groceries. They opened the door leading inside, then they suddenly heard giggling. It was Y/N. But it didn't sound like her. She sounded more slurred. Both the adults set the groceries on the table and walked into the kitchen to find their little sister had drank 5 beers, and was about to finish her 6th.

"What the hell?" Dean said, exasperated.

"Oh! Hey, guys!" Y/N replied loudly, standing up sluggishly from her chair. "How are my freakishly tall brothers doing this fine afternoon?"

They both exchanged glances, wondering how they were able to leave her alone for two hours, only to come home to their little sister being drunk. She waved a hand to them rather slowly as if motioning for them to come here.

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