☆。・:*:・゚~~~ 2 ~~~゚・:*:・。☆

Start from the beginning

Rage bubbled in the man as blood trickled down his palm. Before he could stop himself he turned towards the wall of his small apartment and slammed his fist against it. Not hard enough to break his knuckles but hard enough to scrape the top layer of skin. Now not only was his palm bleeding but so was his fist.

This was going to be such fun trying to explain to Tina.

After cleaning up some of his mess he took his car keys and made his way out towards his car. He got into the parking garage, his car and only a few others littering the parking spots. He thanked whatever god there was that most of his neighbors were at work at this time. The last thing he needed was a call to the police.

Stepping closer to his car his eyes widened in even more anger. A huge gash scratching the side of his  MINI Cooper Hardtop. The car was already a piece of metal shit but he couldn't stand knowing something besides him ruined his girl.

Not having the energy he hopped into it adjusting his seat farther from the wheel. He stretched his legs and arms before connecting his phone to the Bluetooth.

He shot a text to T

Cumin over a bit early hope u don't mind
Read; 4:15 pm

God please don't spell it like that-

Gavin chuckled at his phone before turning up the radio to his car.

♬○♩●♪♩  ♩♪●♩○♬☆

the car ride was somewhat calming to the man. His knuckles rested comfortably around the steering wheel as he finished listening to the last song before taking his keys out of the ignition and stepping out of his car. He swung his keys around his finger whilst humming an unknown tune. It sat comfortably in his brain for the past few days while thinking about some lyrics to jot down.

Tina's house was small and homey. She shared it with her girlfriend Valerie, the two being the ideal high school sweethearts. Gavin would be lying if he said he didn't envy what the two had. What he didn't envy though was how he felt when he would third wheel when it was the three of them. Before locking his car Gavin took to his trunk taking out his cheap electric he used for practices.

Still humming he slammed the trunk shut locking everything behind him

What do you want?

My God

I just wanna go somewhere without you

What do you want?

My God...

The lyrics came to his mind as he bent down taking the spare house key out from its hiding spot underneath a small potted tree. He continued to hum the single part replaying in his head.

Gavin taking the key and pushing it into the lock but knocking before he opened it

"Hope you two aren't fuckin in there!"

With that he unlocked the door opening it.

Tina just scoffed rolling her eyes, a cup of coffee resting comfortably against her lips

"We planned on it until you texted me-"

Her reply almost sarcastic. Almost. She shut her computer looking over at the taller man as he took off his shoes. He rested the guitar gently against the wall besides the door making sure not to let it slide over and crash onto the ground

FVCK SOMEBODY - Reed900 Where stories live. Discover now