Chapter 4

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Severus's POV:

I went over to the carriages to see the others already there. They didn't notice me though. I just went up to them and stood behind them, still sucking on a lollipop.

" Where in Merlins name is Sev!"

" Hey." They all jumped and turned around to see me. I just raised an eyebrow at them.

" Sev you freaked us out." Reg said

" Sorry."

" Is that why you took so long?" Lucius asked as we were ridding back to the castle.

" Huh?"

" The candy Sev." I looked down to the bag of candy in my lap.

" Oh...yeah." They all looked at me and then each other, then back to me.

" Okay, what happened?" I looked at Lucius confused. Narcissa started giggling while answering. " You're blushing Sev~" I flinched and glared at her.

" Well?" Reg asked, excited.

" James...bought them for me..." They where quite before Cissa started giggling and squealing like a first year.

" Couldn't you buy them yourself?" Reg asked.

" I was going too but he insisted."

" Wow. Thats the first time you let someone go against what you say. You really have it for him huh?" Lucius said with an amused look on his face.

" You even called him James! Wait. Did you actually address him by his first name or are you just using it with us." I didn't say anything, which just made Narcissa fan-girl more. Soon enough we where at the common room again in the dorms. Cissa was at the girl dorms where she was supposed to be. It still confuses me how she gets into the boys dorms. We where getting ready for bed when I got this weird feeling in my stomach.

" Hey Sev you alright?" Reg asked after he realized I froze.

" I feel like something bad just happened."

" Huh. Like what."

" Like I should be somewhere right now. Someone is really angry."

" Maybe it's your mate."

" It might be." Lucius said, coming out of the bathroom. " You guys can feel strong emotions through your bond even if you don't know who your mate is. Something must of gotten them mad."

" Maybe. I just wonder what could off gotten them that mad." I wondered while getting in bed.

" Eh. Don't sweat is Sev. Just go to bed. It's quite late." Reg said jumping on his bed and turning over.

" I guess you're right, goodnight."

" Night!"

" Goodnight you two."


Soon enough it was the weekday again and we where off to class. Since all of us had taken different electives, I didn't have class again until after lunch so I just headed to the library to finish some of my homework so I didn't have to stay up later than I had to. I went to a corner of the library that was abandoned so I would be left alone when I saw James reaching for a book. Strange. I didn't see him as the type to be in a library. I walked over and stood behind him, trying to find out what he was trying to find. He just looked flat out confused.

" Hey."

" AHHH!" He jumped and turned around.

" Shut up you idiot where in a library."

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