Chapter 6

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James's POV: 

I ran through the halls in the morning. I figured running would make it faster to find him than just walking around.

" Hey James-" I herd lily say when I was close to her.

" Sorry! Can't talk!" I yelled, running pasted a stunned Lily. Ugh. Where on earth is he? I ran to the courtyard and saw him enter the forbidden forest. Wait, what? Why on earth would he do that. I made sure no one was watching and I entered after him. Soon enough we somehow went to the black lake. It was early so no one was there. He sat down at the edge and started at the water for a bit before water roses came up to the surface. I am pretty sure I heard one say my prince. Huh? He took some tools and started to undo the tangles. huh? I walked up behind him and before I could say anything he spoke.

" Why did you follow me here Potter?" 

" How did you-"

" You aren't slick." He said calmly, not taking his eyes off the roses.

" Well I wanted to ask you something."

" And that is?"

" How did you recover from that poison so fast?" He stayed silent before sighing.

" Well, I have a strong immune system. Poison never effected me. It runs in the prince family." 

" You mean that pureblood family. The scared 24? What does that have to do with you." He sighed and laughed a bit.

" You are actually stupid." I felt a tic grow on my forehead.

" Huh!"

" I AM a Price, Potter. I am also a pureblood. I'm the heir to the Prince family." He said calmly. 

" Then why is your last name Snape?!"

" I don't like the attention." 

" Then how come I have never seen you at any balls or anything? Or how you stayed in the muggle world?" He stopped working and turned to me, frowning.

" How do you know I lived in the muggle world?"

" Lily told me." He sighed in annoyance and turned back.

" That is non of your business Potter. You weren't even supposed to know I lived in the muggle world. Anyway, is that all you needed me for?"

" Uh...yeah. Do you...need help?" He stopped and turned back towards me. He just stared at me, before he took out his wand and transfigured two sticks to the tools needed. He didn't say anything and looked back at what they were doing.

" Most of them just untangled themselves since they had the room to do so, so there is only a few more. It should only take around ten minutes." I nodded and went to help him. 

" Hey Severus?"

" Yes?"

" Why do you think we can hear them?"

" Who knows."

" Wait, what?" I finished the flower and looked at him.

" What?"

" You don't know why?"

" No. Now if you don't mind, I have to get to breakfast before my friends have a panic attack. See you around." He said calmly while standing up and dusting his robes. He turned around and walked out of the forest. Wait. I should follow him. I don't know how to get out of here.

" Hey wait up!" 


I was eating some porridge when suddenly Remus nudged me a bit. I looked up and looked at him confused, then saw that the others where looking at me in the same way. A curious, open- eyed look. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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