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I wasn't even in the common room anymore. In fact I don't even know where I am.  I started walking down hallway after hallway. I then saw the great hall so I knew I was close to the common room. I started running when I heard Draco saying wait up.

I ran as fast as I could to my dorm. I ran into my dorm and locked the door and colapsed to the floor. I dug my face into my knees and just sat there for I don't even know how long. I got up and grabbed my phone and got into Nevilles contact. I just stared at it and a tear rolled down my face. How come I let Draco kiss me!? Im a horrible person. 

I got into my bed and just started to cry. I didn't try to be loud because I didn't want anyone catching me and then have to ask whats wrong and then I'd have to tell them. 

The next day I woke up with a huge headache and couldn't even get up. I gave an owl to professor Dumbledoor and he understood. I got to skip today and I just laid in my bed. Looking at all the photos and videos with Neville. How could I be so stupid. How can I tell him! Maybe I won't tell him. NO I have to! Ugg I can't even think of how upset he would be. I feel horrible! 

I didn't even go to breakfast or lunch I was just in my room all day. 

I didn't even go out of my dorm that day. I just couldn't bare to see Draco or Neville.

Later that night I was just looking over and over of those photos of me and Neville. I started to cry...again.

Around 6pm I was still crying but as I was I heard a knock on the door. I went silent. 
" It's me. Draco!" 
No no no not Draco why Draco! "Go away!" 

"Please let me in please." He said but this time I knew he really did want to come in. 

I open the door and he walks in and sits on a chair. I sit on my bed.

"You look like a wreck" He said with a shocked face.

"Gee thanks Draco just the thing I needed." I say with a sarcastic smile.

"You havn't come to lunch or breakfast today you have to eat Ally." says Draco with a blank face.

"I-i'm fine Draco. I'm not in the mood to talk right now." I say looking down.

"Your mascara is messed up. Your hair looks like it hasn't been brushed yet. And you had those clothes on yesterday. Ally what's going on!" Says Draco walking to me.

"Nothing i'm fine now leave." I said still looking down.

"Ally" He said grabbing my hand. 

I pull my hand away quickly, "S-sorry Draco"  

"It's okay just tell me whats wrong!" He says.

I look up at him and he walks over to me

"TELL ME" he says reaching me.

I flinch and move backwards. He stops and looks at me. I look down of course. He stutters and then goes silent. A tear rolls down my face.

"Ally. I would never hurt you." He says with a frown on his face.

"I-I know." I say looking at him.

"I'm sorry you thought that Ally" He says sitting next to me.
He hugs me. Draco Malfoy hugged me.

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