-Chapter 1-

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{Quick AN (author note) just for context, Poe offered to help Ranpo out with a book he wanted, so they agreed that Ranpo would come pick it up today}

________________________________3rd person pov

-8:30am, December 18th-

Poe had just finished writing his final letter to Ranpo.
He placed the letters in a small box on top of his desk and got out of his seat. He started walking over to the kitchen when he suddenly heard a knock at the door. Confused, Poe tip-toed to the door, opening it cautiously, it was Ranpo, out of all the people it could be, it just had to be him.

"Hey Poe! How are you?" Ranpo questioned in his usual up-beat tone.

"R-Ranpo? What are you doing here?" Poe asked with a confused look on his face.

"I'm here for that book, remember? The one I asked you to write me." Ranpo stated.

Poe hesitated for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. 'What could he be talking about?' he thought, then, he suddenly remembered.

"Huh- O-Oh! I remember- ah yes, I'll get it right away- um, would you like to come in and sit down, this might take a while." Poe said, trying not to stumble on his words.

"Yeah sure!" Ranpo exclaimed, practically exited.

Poe invited Ranpo in, grabbing him a seat, Ranpo sat down and gazed around the room while Poe scampered off to find the book.

'Woe, Poe's house is huge..' Ranpo thought, amazement showing in his face. He started around some more, starting to get out of his seat and wonder around. He came across Poe's writing desk, unconsciously looking through the piles of books, papers and files that had been spread across it.
After a few minutes he found a rather small box with a label on it, the label read 'For Ranpo Edogawa', out of curiosity Ranpo decided to hide the box in his bag and read them when he got back to the agency.
Ranpo quietly sneaked back to his seat and waited for Poe to get back.

{Ten minutes later}

Ten minutes of waiting later and Poe had finally retrieved the book.

"Sorry for the long wait, um h-here you go!" Poe handed Ranpo the book

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"Sorry for the long wait, um h-here you go!" Poe handed Ranpo the book.
Ranpo snatched it of him in a heartbeat, leaving Poe startled.

"Alright then, I'll be on my way, thanks again Ed!" Ranpo said with a smile. And just like that, he was gone.

Poe slumped down into the comfort of his chair and buried his face in his hands, taking a sigh of both frustration and relief. Relief because he finally didn't have to worry about stumbling over his words or messing up while talking to the love of his life, Ranpo, and frustration because he heardly spoke to Ranpo what so ever.
Lifting his head out of his hands, Poe sat up and took another sigh, this time a sigh relief.
"At least I don't have to tell him about the... "
Poe paused, slightly confused, 'where's the box of letters?!' he thought, panicking.

He got up and searched everywhere. Nowhere to be found. Poe started to panic even more, 'I can't believe I lost them!' he mentally scolded himself, when a thought came to his mind, 'What if.... he found them... '

Word count: 594

{An: Hey guys, just so you know, I wrote this quite late at night so this hasn't been edited or proof read, sorry about that!}

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