Things That Make It Warm

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Hinata woke up, golden sunlight shining through the blinds of his window. Looking around, he remembered that Kageyama had stayed over last night after practice. The sleeping boy had spread out across the spare futon and one of his long, lanky, legs (try saying that five times fast) was dangling off the edge, his foot centimeters away from touching the ground. His hair was covering most of his face except for his mouth that was, surprisingly, not in a scowl. He looked pretty cute, if Hinata was being honest. 

A bird chirping outside brought Hinata out of this trance that he seemed to have fallen under while watching Kageyama sleep. That was considered creepy, wasn't it? Watching your best friend sleeping. 

Choosing to pretend he hadn't just spent a good five minutes admiring a sleeping Kageyama he got up from his bed and sat down at his desk, deciding what to do next. He definitely didn't want to wake Kageyama, who looked so peaceful and- NOPE! Not going down that train of thought again. He supposed he could go outside and practice, despite it having snowed the previous night. He had been through worse. Grabbing a paper from his memo pad, he quickly scribbled a note down Good Morning! I decided to go practice for a little. I started doing something weird with my serve, and it won't go over the net. That would be good enough. It was short and explained what it needed to. Quickly checking his phone to make sure that it wasn't below negative ten- that was his limit- any colder than that and he wasn't going outside. Luckily, it was 2 degrees, which is pretty warm for this time of year. As long as he put on plenty of layers, he would be fine.

However, deciding what clothes and how many layers to wear proved to be a bit more of a challenge. He could put on a light T-shirt and a hoodie, but that limited his movement. He could try just wearing a long sleeve shirt but he would probably end up getting cold. Although... He would be running around and moving... perhaps he could wear a long sleeve shirt and a sweatshirt to start and once had warmed up he could take off the sweatshirt. That would probably work. He grabbed a relatively warm shirt and his sweatshirt, putting them on. Now, what to do for pants. Eventually, he decided on a pair of leggings that he had for this type of situation and a pair of lined jeans. Typically, he wouldn't want to wear jeans but all he was doing was practicing his serve, so they should be fine.

After finally getting himself together, he quietly opened the door, careful not to awaken his sleeping friend. Somehow he managed to make it all the way out into the yard and begin practicing. However, there was a rather large problem with this. Since it had snowed the previous night, the ground had been covered in slush that soaked the ball whenever it hit the ground. Hinata ended up getting a towel and hanging it from some random post that was in his yard for some reason. After warming up and stretching he set his jacket on the porch and walked out to the line he had made in the yard to start his serves from. He had figured out that if he served the ball at the backstop of the basketball hoop in his yard from a certain distance, it would be good serving practice. The next thing he noticed was how quiet it was outside. He once again headed back in and got a speaker to play some music.

At some point, Hinata had begun a rhythm. Serve. Walk. Pick up the ball. Dry it off. Walk back. Serve. Walk. Pick up the ball. Dry it off. Walk back. Serve. Walk. Pick up the ball. Dry it off. Walk back. Over and over again. He had lost count of how many serves he had done at this point. His hands had become numb long ago due to the cold and his clothes soaked from the number of times he has slipped in the mud. Serve. Walk. Pick up the ball. Dry it off. Walk back. Serve. Walk. Pick up the ball. Dry it off. Walk back. No matter how many times he tried his serves wouldn't get better. Serve. Walk. Pick up the ball. Dry it off. Walk back. Serve. Walk. Pick up the ball. Dry it off. Walk back.

~10:00 A.M.~

"Oi! Dumbass! Get in here! You're going to catch a cold," He vaguely heard Kageyama shout from behind him.

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