Chapter 1- Plans

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December 10th, 2015
The Wells Residence

"I'll see you soon, Julianna"




Julianna shot up from her bed,sweat dripping down her face and tears pouring from her eyes. She look to see that the voice that called her name belonged to Harrison Wells. Her adoptive father.

"Did you have another flashback while you were dreaming?" Wells asked the girl, receiving a small nod

"I sometimes have flashbacks of the incident that happened that caused me to lose Tess" Wells said, barely above a whisper.

Julianna moved to sit on the edge of her bed.

"How do you deal with them, Dad?" Julianna asked

"I don't. I just simply deal with them. I wait for them to go away; to leave me alone. Over time they get easier to deal with" Wells answered

"But it's been, like, 15 years and each time I have a flashback, I always end up crying or having a panic attack. I just don't know what to do anymore. Should I finally go and see a therapist? I know you've been nagging me to do that. But I just don't think I therapist will work, Dad! They'll ask me what happened that night, and I'll tell them. And they'll think I'm crazy. I don't want to be crazy so what can I do?" Julianna ranted, something she often did when she was overwhelmed with emotions.

"You don't have to see a therapist if you don't want to. But the only other thing I can tell you is you never coped with losing your parents the right way. You never knew how. And honey, over time I've learned that you can't cope without the right person for the situation, meaning you have yet to meet the right person for this situation" Wells explained.

"What if I never meet the right person and I have to deal with this for forever" Julianna worried

"I have a feeling you'll meet the right person very soon. Now, I suggest you get up and get dressed. Don't you have to head to the CCPD and see if you got the job?"

That last sentence made the worried girls mood turn into an even more worried one.

"Oh yeah, you're right!" Julianna said, standing up from her bed.

She walked over to her closet and opened the door,about to pick out an outfit when even more worry rushed through her.

"Dad, what if I don't get the job? Then my hopes of dreams of being a forensic scientist and solving my biological parents death are crushed! Nope..I can't do this, I just ca-"

"Enough Julianna! I can assure you that you will get the job. But even if you don't, we can still solve your parents death at S.T.A.R. Labs", Wells assured the girl, "Now, hurry and get ready so they don't have the chance to give your spot to someone else"

"Ok, thanks for the help, Dad" Julianna said, Wells nodding his head and then exiting the room.

Julianna picked her outfit out for the day and ran to her bathroom, having a quick shower. After, she put on a white tank top, grey cardigan sweater, jeans, a belt, and white sneakers. Then she dried her hair and put on natural make up.

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