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The bell ranged at April and Amy's school. The two teenage girls, along with their friend Sunita, are having lunch outside. The turtles are also there, only this time, they're wearing hoodies of their respective colors.

"Attention students," The speaker calls out. "This is your principle speaking. Next week is the annual Sweethearts Formal at the local Community Center. This is also your last chance to get ready."

And with that, the speaker was turned off. The students were talking frantically about the dance.

"The Sweethearts Formal?!" Mikey shouts, excitedly. "This is gonna be awesome! I'm helping Draxum and Casey with the catering."

"The best thing about it is that we don't have to bring dates, even though it has "Sweethearts" in the name," Donnie added.

"Well... I know I'm planning on asking a certain someone to the dance," Leo states, drooling at the sight of Amy with a goofy smile. She was reading a book in one hand, while eating a sandwich with the other. He could practically see the sparkles around her.

To the red-eared slider, she was the prettiest girl in the world. Unfortunately, it turns out a lot of guys thought the same thing... because there is a line of them with flowers and gifts, including Jeremy and Jase from the Purple Dragons.

"Looks like you have a little competition, Lover Boy," Raph teases, his brothers and friend snickering.

Leo scowls at the group of male students crowding Amy as the hearts around him break in two.
After school, the brunette is walking towards her motorcycle so that she can go home.

Leo walks up to her. "Hi Ames, I was wondering if you would..."

Before he could finish, Jase pushes him aside and smile at her. "Hey Amy, your ponytail looks splendid today." He compliments, suavely.

He then get shoved to the ground by Jeremy. "Don't listen to those boneheads."
A few days later, Amy is at the library. She is doing a book report on Charles Dickins' Oliver Twist.

Leo is standing behind a bookshelf, hearts in his eyes as he watches her write down her notes.

A light-bulb pops up from his head. He then wrote a letter and turn it into a paper-airplane with a heart, hugging it close to him with a love-struck look on his face.

The airplane flew on top of Amy's notes. She unwraps the letter and reads it, blushing. She then hears laughing and turns around to see Dale reading a comic book.

"Ew," She says in disgust, crumpling the love note and throwing it at his head. She packs her things and walks out.

The blue-clad turtle, who was watching the whole scene, facepalms himself in despair.
Leo is now with Mikey in the lair. He is laying on a chair while the box turtle is holding a notepad and a pencil.

"Every time I try to ask Amy to the formal, things always go wrong," The red-eared slider explains, sadly. "Maybe I should just give up."

Mikey is writing on his notepad. "Love is mysterious in many ways. Sometimes, people have to do something REAL special to..."

"THAT'S IT!!" Leo immediately stands up from his seat. "I have another idea on how to ask her to the dance! Mikey, you're a genius!"

"But I didn't..." Before he could finish, his older brother raced out of the lair. The orange-masked turtle just sighs in defeat.
Amy is now sitting on a bench at Central Park. Her bike was park next to the bench on her right side, while Mayhem is sitting next to her on the left. Jeremy walks up to them holding his laptop.

"You. Me. The dance," He opens it up to reveal a digital heart and winks at her.

Jase suddenly appears with his remote-controlled drone, which is holding heart-shaped balloons. "No, pick me as your date!"

Mayhem starts to tug on the brown-haired girl's jacket. "What is it, Mayhem?"

The cat/dog mutant points forward to their direction, causing her to look up in surprise.

Leo was riding his skateboard up to them while holding something behind his back. He jumps off and bends down on one knee. He reveals a bouquet of red roses in his right hand, placing his left one over his chest.

"Amelia Elizabeth Smith, will you do me the honor of going to the Sweethearts Formal with me?"

Amy covered her mouth in awe as her emerald green eyes shine at this sweet gesture. Even Mayhem was impressed.


The blue-clad turtles gasped with joy, the other admirers start to cry over not being chosen.

"So... I'll pick you at 5pm?" He hands her the roses.

"Of course," She takes the bouquet with a pink hue on her cheeks. "Oh... and one more thing."

The next thing he knows, Amy leans in and kisses him on the cheek. Leo gasps in surprise, face turning red. Hearts are in his eyes as his mask tails form a heart as well. He placed a hand on where she kissed him.

Amy giggles at this and walks back to her bike. Mayhem is sitting on her lap. "See you later, you goof." She winks at him as she puts on her helmet and drove off.

Leo sighs dreamily with a goofy smile. He places a hand over his heart as he watches her drive onto the streets of New York. He then runs back to the lair to get ready for the dance.

The admirers, who were watching everything, were in shock.

"I did not see that coming," Jase says, dejected.

The End

*This fanfic is based on the Avatar chibi short, "School Time Shipping". The dance proposal is also loosely based on a scene from the Loud House episode, "Brave the Last Dance".

*Rise of TMNT and their characters belong to Nickelodeon. Amy belongs to Angelxoxo8.*

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