"Gusion really didn't tell his family anything, did he? I'm part of the V.E.N.O.M. squad," he just smirked at me. Oh joy, both brothers love to smirk.

"I could make an acceptation to you, since you're my fiancé. And I see you haven't taken off the ring I see," he looked down at my finger. Shoot, I forgot to take it off, no wonder Gusion was tick off this morning.

"Don't get your hopes up, I just forgot to take it off," I said as I looked away from him.

Just when I though things couldn't get more annoying, the three idiots of the Land of Dawn walked in. Yup, it's Claude, Alucard and Lancelot. I guessed they came to meet up with their girlfriends. "Hey Gusion, long time no see buddy," Alucard greeted as he gave Gavin a pat on the back.

"Who are you?" Gavin asked obviously getting confused with the situation. I just giggled at them.

"What? You're joking, right Gusion?" Alucard asked as he let out and awkward chuckle.

"Alucard, this is Gavin, Gusion's twin brother," I explained to the embarrassed fighter.

"You really indeed looked like Gusion," said Lancelot as he took a good look at Gavin.

Just then we heard gunshots outside. We all look outside and saw some masked guy with each have a powerful machine gun and they were aiming at this shop. Oh boy, this is going to be bad. "Get down!" Gavin yelled as everyone in the shop, got down onto the floor as the men free fired into the shop.

I don't know what came over me, but I stood there frozen stiff. Why the hell I can't move? Gavin saw me frozen stiff, so he pushed me down to the ground and protected me with his body. I began to blush as he was on top of me. I feel so safe to be in his presence. The shooting ended then the men ran away.

"They are not going away that easily," Fanny said as she got to her feet.

"No they aren't," said Miya as she too got to her feet.

I pushed Gavin off of me and dashed outside as I summoned my Higanbana. I threw soul scroll at them, weakening them as I threw my ultimate at them, immobilizing them. "You shouldn't mess with us little girl," one of them threated me.

"I should say the same thing to you boys," I said continuously threw my petal barrages. I watched them on their knees as the effect of my ultimate beginning to worn off. "Given up yet?" I mockingly asked them.

"Think again little girl," one of them said as he took his machine gun and aimed it at me.

I am at my limit now, since I am still a bit sore. I don't know if I could move anymore. As they began to shoot me, a wall of wind protected me and Gavin embraced me in his arms. I looked at him in eye and saw genuine worry and seriousness in them. "Are you alright?" he asked me. I couldn't let out a word, so I just nodded at him. He turned to the masked men and pulled out his gun and shot each of them with just one bullet, earning him a triple kill, well not really, the shot just injured them.

I looked up at him, and I must admit he look so handsome. Every inch of his face is exactly like Gusion, not a single detail on him was different from his twin. Just one look at him, could make my heart beat at undeniable rapid pace. He walked up to the men and handcuffed them. "Lock up time for you hooligans," he said as he cuffed them with his handcuffs.

He turned to me as he walked towards me and hugged me close. "Good thing you're alright," he said as his voice lingers with worriedness. I could feel my cheeks heating up. If Gusion saw me, I would be so dead.

"What the hell are you doing with him?!" yelled a familiar voice. I turned away and saw Gusion standing there while glaring at us. I jinxed it, didn't I? I looked at Odette, Fanny and Miya, they just shrugged at me. I am so dead.

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