Halloween with the friends

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I got dressed into my second costume. Kinda slutty ngl. I chose to be a play boy bunny. I know it's basic as hell, but I felt good about my self. "Hey baby are you ready to go the haunted house and Then to Amelia's?" "Yeah" Tom was going as devil. "Wow y/n is that even a costume?" "Shut up" "make me" I walked over to the couch and just sat on his lap. Being a tease. I kissed him on the lips then whispered "just because I'm in a play boy bunny costume doesn't mean I'll be your bunny" and got up. Left him speechless. "Now come on we are going to be late"  we got in the car and he just kept looking over at my costume. "Seriously Felton have a staring problem?" "Not my problem you chose to wear a corset and fish nets" "and?" "Darling I just don't you want you getting hurt or something else" "I'll be fine" i knew by tonight I was going to be absolutely wasted but we won't tell Tom that. "We are here." We went up to the ticket booth and got our tickets and started to walk. We were just walking through I jumped a couple times it's only like 5 minutes in. At one part I completely ate it, I slipped on something went backwards and smacked my head smacking it on ground. "Omg darling are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine" I stay while laughing my ass off. Some kid also fell but he fell into a bin so I was laughing even harder. "You are truly messed up" "oh I know that bubbas" after the haunted house we left and went to Amelia's. When we got there her first reaction was "hi have you seen my friend y/n she looks just like you but I still can't find her" "oh shut up" we weren't the first ones to arrived there but it's alright. I saw some old friends of mine. I knew I was being stared at for my costume but do I care? No because I felt so good in my costume. Nick remember him yeah he's the one from drama. "Y/N!" "Nick! You really came as nearly headless nick!" "I sure did! I thought you were gonna come as a slytherin student not a slutty bunny" "oh shut up, that was only for my family Halloween party" "oh ok I better get going to my date cya around" "bye sir Nicolas" he laughed as he walked away. "Hi Bubbas" "hi darling" "you look bored" "I am" "then let's go dance!"  We walked Over to the dance floor and danced for awhile. "Hey I'm going To go get a drink want one?" "Sure" I got us a drink and went back to Tom. "Here ya go" "thanks darling" after awhile I saw someone taking lilah upstairs. Oh hell no not on my watch. "Tom I'll be right back" "where are you going?" "Just I gotta hurry" I ran straight upstairs and looked for lilah when I found her the dude was about to close and lock the door. "Oh hell nawh not today you ass hole" I ran over to lilah who was on the bed drunk. "Come on get up the party is over" I ran downstairs with her pretty much passed out. "Tom watch her" "uh ok" I turned off the music and screamed "PARTYS OVER EVERYONE GO HOME NOW!!" Everyone got upset it was supposed to last a lot longer but i had to end it because of the accident that juts almost happened. After everyone left, I started to clean up. "Darling what happened, one second you wanted to party then next you are mad" "some douche bag tried to take advantage of lilah and I went to stop him before anything happened" "oh so that's where you went before you ended the party" "yeah I wasn't gonna let her go through that, I would rather go through it then her" the worry appeared in his eyes, "darling don't say that" "well professor umbridge taught me not to tell lies" ofc be chuckled at this still with lilah passed out on him. "Btw she's coming home with us I'm not leaving her alone." "Ok" we finished cleaning up and went home. Lilah was passed out in the back. Tom just dropped us off my house and went back to his. It was hard getting her inside but I did. She took the bed and I slept on the couch. It was going to be a day tomorrow with her.

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