The "best" day ever

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I hadn't seen Tom for awhile maybe like three days. I still wore his jumper from when we first met. He's been filing a new movie. Sometimes I get scared dating such a big actor, but I knew at the end of night he was still mine. I hoped
I woke up with someone next to me I followed over to see Tom. "Good morning darling" "morning love" "ugh I don't wanna get out of bed it's nice here" I said. "I know good thing I have today off from filming" "but I have classes today" "can I tag along?" "You know I wish you could" "ugh I hate being an adult" "I can tell" we eventually got out of bed. I made us some coffee. I noticed Tom kept look at me "take a picture it lasts longer". He just stayed silent. "Cat got your tongue" "no but you got my heart" I faked fainted and said "shit man my heart can't handle this" he was at the table and I was in the kitchen laying in the floor acting like I died. He walked over to me and was standing Over me just looking down until he collapsed on top me. "oh fuck that hurt" he just laid there make sure his whole body was just on my chest like in the koala position you know? Yeah you know. "Ok ok I have to get up" "no" "baby please let me go shower" "nah" "ugh" after awhile he let me up. "Thank you" I got in the shower and chased to wear this and did my hair and makeup

 "Thank you" I got in the shower and chased to wear this and did my hair and makeup

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I had an hour to get to class. "I'll see you later babe" "how are you getting there you don't have a car" "bus like alway" "can you just let me buy you a car?" "Now I have to go or I'll be late the lovely perk of riding the bus I have to leave an hour early" "then let me take you in half an hour" "fine only because I don't wanna go on bus" "rude and not an extra 30 minutes with your boyfriend" "that's just a bonus" I walked over to the table to sit by him. I was scrolling through Instagram and saw that toms new movie was a romance movie. I got kinda scared that he would leave me for the actress he had to kiss and ewww I don't even wanna bleh. "Cmon let's go now" we walked down to his car. I turned on the radio and my favorite song started playing I never sing in front of Tom yet and another secret talent will be traveled today. He was about to switch the Chanel but I smacked his hand away. "Lady this is my car" "and this is my favorite song" I started singing "🎵 We're only getting older, baby
And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?🎵" "never wanted to mention that you can sing?" "Yeah no I wasn't going to say anything" "but why you are so good" "compared to you oh hell nawh" "wydm compared to me?" "Have you heard you anyways theres my school I'll call when I'm done so you can come pick me up". I kissed him in the cheek and walked to class. "Hey Delilah" lilah was in this class with me. "Ok so how are you and Tom" I started blushing. "Oh amazing he acts like a little 5 year old this morning I fake fainted due to what he had said and he came over and just koala hugged me while I was laying in the floor" "OMG YOU TWO ARE ADORABLE" "but he's getting annoyed that I won't let him buy me a car" "y/n Delilah would you like share with the rest of the class?" My professor asked us. "Um no actually" "then shut up" said professor (you can make up a name here) after class I had two more to do and then I was done. I checked my phone and saw Tom had texted me
T- hey cutie I know you are class but I wanted to tell that I am taking you out tonight ;)
Ugh he's adorable I walked to my next class. A girl I never talked to I think her name is like Amanda or something but she walked up to me and asked "hey is it true you are dating THE Tom Felton" "um yeah it is" "omg can you introduce us?" "Um no, I'm not going to take you to our house and let you interfere with his life if you see him on that streets you can go up to him but don't ask me to introduce you two" "don't have a bitch about it" I'm having kinda of a bad I got catcalled twice and now this. I couldn't handle and I punched her. "Y/N!" My professor saw me punch her. "You will only be suspended since she did call you a b word" great! Just great! I called Tom
T- hey babe don't you have two more classes?
Y- yeah but can you come pick me up? I got suspended
T- what did you do?
Y- I'll tell you if you come pick me up
T- alright I'll be there in five
I saw Toms white bmw pull up. "So why did you get suspended?" "I punched a girl in the nose" "why did you do that?" "She wanted to be my friend so she can meet you so after I told her off she called me a bitch and i was already having a bad day so it pushed me over the edge and I punched her right in the nose" "why were you having a bad day?" I didn't know if I should tell him I got catcalled a lot but I did "some boys cat called me" I saw the anger In his eyes. I put my hand on his thigh. "Hey it's ok I'm fine see?" "But darling it's not ok" the rest of the car ride was silent but a good silent. When we got back to my flat my mom called me. "Oh no I feel like Ron in the second movie when molly sent him a howler" "Y/N Y/L WHY DID YOU PUNCH THE GIRL? YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER YOU KNOW WHATS IT LIKE TO BE BEATEN UP ALL THE TIME!" My ex may of abused me I guess that's a thing I should've mentioned to Tom but I've been doing so much without him. Plus I don't even flinch anymore. "Mother she called me a bitch and wanted to use to get close to Tom!" "Who's tom?" Oh shit I forgot to tell my mom. I look over at Tom and he's trying not laugh at this. "My boyfriend mum" she was so mad she hung up. I bursted out laughing so did Tom. After we calmed down he asked, "your mum said you should know what it's like to beaten up all the time, what did she mean?" "My ex wasn't the nicest to me, but before you say anything yes I am fine I don't even flinch anymore like I used plus I have found someone so much better"
He started blushing. "Well since I'm taking you out tonight you should go get ready" I went and got ready, Tom went back to his place to get ready. HERES YOUR OUTFITS AND ACCESSORIES


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Here's and hair


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Falling for a celebrityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora