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Hi guys big plot twist there! So please read another one of my books called "Where She Went" its a really good story!
My right eye was green my left eye was blue.
"Shit what am I going to tell my parents? What happened" I wondered a-loud but just then a wind breeze blew by shaking the car a bit. Then it got weird or weirder
"The F*** did anyone else see something blow on top of the car" said jackston flipping out
"I'm out of here" Kelsie said clearly annoyed she grabbed her iPhone
"What the-are you serious no signal this sucks." she said grabbing her "Well I'm out of here"she said
"Jackston you coming"
"Uh" he said wondering if everything was safe
"Fine" she got out and then black paint or goo dripped from the top of the car and a high pitched scream was heard over jackston and aidens pounding on the door. But then jackston grabbed the door and ripped it of the car hinge.
"What the hell" said aiden looking at the door and jackston ran out just in time to see Kelsie.....
To be continued! 😘😱

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