Chapter 3: Ramen and movies

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E/c= eye color
H/c= hair color
This one switches P.O.Vs a couple of times just a heads up.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"F/n-chan you ready to go?" Akaashi asks as I'm once again staring off.

"Hmm? Oh uh yeah."

"So what did those girls say to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You started getting all sad and paniced when you came back from talking to those girls so what happened?"

"Oh nothing much, like I said don't worry about it."

"Where do you want to get the Ramen from? Center of the city or closer to home?"

"Can we go to that one Ramen place with the really deep bowls and the extra thick noodles?"

"The one where I get curry Ramen from?"

"Yeah that one!"

"Sure. Oh and it's on me."

"It's okay Keiji-kun I've got money on me."

"I'm paying, it's a gift to cheer you up."

"You spoil me."

"You made me breakfast and I had your lunch, I'm just buying you a bowl of ramen."

"A muffin is not breakfast, but thank you."

We get onto the underground the station is pretty crowded so I grab Akaashi's bag like I always do when there's a lot of people. He's better at plowing through since he's tall while I would just get lost in the current of people.

As we board onto the underground I look for a seat to sit in or a handle to grab onto but they're all occupied. I guess Akaashi got the last handle. Well let's just hope I don't stumble.

"F/n-chan keep hold of my bag."

"I'm fine Keiji-kun."

"You're going to fall when we start moving."

"That is not-" I'm cut off by the sudden movement of the train which makes me stumble. Akaashi catches my wrist and stedys me.

"Grab on." He bring my hand to his arm which I grab onto as if it was one of the hanging ones he's holding onto.

I look up at him and notice he's zoned off so I put my ear buds in and close my eyes just listening to my music. As I'm just listening to my music I feel Akaashi take one of my ear buds out and put it into his ear. This was a common occurrence, only it was usually the other way around. I smile and change the song to something he might like a little better and we ride out the train ride.

Once we approach our stop I take my earbud back and grab hold of Akaashi's bag ready to exit the train. As we exit and move onto the streets of Tokyo I keep hold of his bag.

We turn onto the street with the Ramen shop and I start getting all jumpy exited for the food.

We enter and Akaashi orders for me while I go to the restroom. Once I sit back down I put my head down onto my arms and stare up at Akaashi.

"So what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"This is where you choose to come when something's wrong."

"That's not true! It's just good Ramen."

"We came here when you broke up with your ex, when you failed a class, your entire first week of Nekoma, and when you failed the entrance exam to Fukurodani."

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