Chapter 2: Still adjusting

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TW: slight panic attack

I walk out of my house and wait at my door step until I see Akaashi walk up to my house. I run up to Him and hand him a muffin.

"Thank you." He says as he peals the wrapper and takes a bite. I take a bite of my own and walk along side him on our way to school.

"How did you do on the math from yesterday?"

"The math? FUCK THE MATH! I knew I forgot something!"

Akaashi smiles and ruffles my hair. "Don't worry you can copy mine during lunch."

"You life savor!" I yell as I give him a side hug. He gives a soft laugh as we continue walking.

"You're in a good mood, you're not normally a morning person what's up?" I ask while poking his cheek.

"I slept really well last night, what can I say?"

"I'm glad."

We're about three weeks into the school and I'm positive that Akaashi is the only reason I'm passing my math class. I stay late studying with him at one of our houses and when I don't he'll help me during lunch.



"Thank you, I appreciate it." I look up and see Akaashi's face flush red and his eyebrows shoot up.

"It's not a problem, you know that. So what's with the sudden sincereness?"

"I don't know I just really appreciate you because I really wouldn't be passing math without you."

"Well I'm always willing to help you, and it's not like you dont do anything back ."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you do things like bring me food, help me clean up my study space, and you always do projects where I have to draw for me."

I smile and lean against his arm.

"Have you made any friends in your class yet?"

"Oh um no not yet."

"It's been almost a month f/n that's bizarre for you."

"Yeah I guess it is, but I don't know what to do, the girls seem to really not like me and the guys don't say much to me."

"Are you okay with that?"

"I mean I wouldn't care if you were in my class but since you're not it's kinda tough, but nothing I can really do about it."

"Well the volleyball team really likes you and you're an amazing person, people will warm up."

"Thank Keiji-kun"

The day moved on slowly and pretty muted as usual. Lunch approached and I spent the whole period copying math answers and ended up giving my lunch to Akaashi and Bokuto since I didn't have time to eat. Once I made it back to my class I passed in my math and got myself mentally prepared for the rest of the day.

I kept catching myself day dreaming about what art school would be like since I wanted to be a manga artist or something along the lines of that. I was doodling during the lesson when suddenly the teacher calls my name for the answer to the question. I cringe and my face glows red because I don't even know what the question is.

"Um uh, could you repeat the question please?"

"How would you this お店に案内してもらえますか in english."

My mind goes blank. I know the translation but I can't think of the word order.

"Um I'm not sure about the word order."

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