Chapter 16

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As Poppy Brought them in the Office, She began to explain

"Okay Poppy What's going on!"
Barb asked

Poppy Sighed
"Guys.......This Place is In total danger soon..."

"You just told us the moment We finally Reunited!"
Branch rolled his eyes

"Guys this is Serious! The Serial Killer that started it all Has been Released through a Glitch and I am the only one to stop him!"
Poppy said

Everyone Nodded in Agreement

"But Poppy, We can't stay here! We have to go! Maybe there is some secret Code to stop these guys!"
Branch said

"Branch Please, There Is no way Outta here unlesd we Stop him!"
Poppy held his Shoulder

Branch sighed
"Fine...But What do we do? We're just trolls! We know Nothing about him!"

"Yeah Pink P! We ain't as Smart As them Metal Guys!"
Prince D Lowered his ears

"He's right Poppy..."
Barb Agreed

Poppy Began to think for a Moment

Then had an idea

Her Ears perked up

Everyone Listened

"I know Someone Who knows Lots About this stuff!"
Poppy Snapped her Fingers

Everyone asked

"Not who, whom..."
Poppy Corrected


In The Tattletail House, Mama Tattletail was putting her Babies to sleep
"Get some rest now My Babies..Mama Loved you.."

"I Love you too mama!"
Tattletail said Cutely

Then Poppy and the Trolls Ran to The Basement to see her

the babies Woke up

Mama's Ear twitched

Poppy Saw her

They ran to her

Mama's eyes twitched

As they were about to reach her, Mama Jumpscared them

As they were about to reach her, Mama Jumpscared them

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

And they Oop-


They all woke up, with Mama Surrounding them

Poppy Scratched her head
"Ooww, Huh?"

She saw Mama

The others Woke up too

"Oh Thank goodness you woke up, I thought your dead!"
Mama Worried

The Trolls were confused

"I'm sorry for Jumpscaring you...I got Carried away I guess"
Mama Apologized

"Aww It's okay we all make mistakes"
Prince D Forgave her

"Excuse me?"
Branch and Barb Crossed their arms

"Oh im sorry, Mama, These are my Friends, Branch, Barb, And Prince D! Branch, Barb, Prince D, This is Mama Tattletail!"
Poppy Introducex

Mama Greeted

They Greeted back

"So, What brings you back?"
Mama Asked

"We need to know how to beat Glitchtrap!"

Mama Just stood Still, Suprised

"Uhh What's wrong?"
Poppy asked

"Well....Poppy........We uhhhhh Don't excactly Have an answer for your Question Dear..."
Mama Tattlerail said

"Wait what?"
Poppy Said

"There's no one Here that knows How but you!"

Poppy Began to panic
"B-but I don't even know How!"

Branch tried to calm her Down
"Poppy It's gonna be okay..."

"But Branch, if we don't Defeat him, Then We Won't be able to go home!"
Poppy pouted

Barb Gasped Dramatically

Everyone Stared at her Blankly

"I-I mean, Oh DeAr, WiThOuT mE wHo WiLl Be AbLe To TaKe CaRe Of ThE rOcK tRoLlS!?!??"
Barb fake Panicked

They all Glared at Her

"Anyways...Guys Who do we Call for help?"
Prince D asked

Branch Looked around and Noticed The Walkie-Talkie He had For their Rescue Mission was still in his pocket

Branch Gasped Happily
"Of course!"

He Picked it up and Called The Snackpack


Meanwhile, Back in Trollstopia, the Snackpack Was still Waiting for Branch's Response for backup

Then Branch began to speak In the walkie talkie
"Hey Guys I need you now!"

Guy Diamond Gasped And Picked up the Walkie talkie
"Branch? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me, we Finally Got in the game But We have no Idea How to get out, I need you guys to talk to shadow Bonnie And Ask him to take you Here! And If your a Bit scared Tell the leaders to come too!"
Branch Ordered

"On it!"
Guy Diamond Nodded And Ran to the Leader Meeting Pod

"Guy Diamond! Where are you going?"
Satin asked

"Are you going to Ask the Leaders for help?"
Chenille Guessed

"No im Asking Dawko for help!"
Guy Diamond Joked

Everyone Nodded

Guy Diamond Guestured


"Guys He Said their Coming!"
Branch Said

Everyone Sighed in relief

"That's cute but you really Have to Go, You have a Glitch to take away!"
Mama tattletail Guestured

"Oh yeah....Come on guys!"
Poppy Pointed back at the Restaurant

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