Chapter 3

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Hope you guys like it😊



Now today I was in school just waiting outside the physics lab for Shido.

Then Shido came out with tensed expression.

Y/n: So what do you think can you save her?

Shido: Huh!? Y/n!? You knew this about Kurumi!?!?

Y/n: Yep.

Shido: Why didn't you told us!?!?

Y/n: And what's the point on telling could you make her fall in love with you?

Shido: But still-

Y/n: Listen Shido now this is your choice whether you want to seal her or not.(That thing is different that this guy wasn't able to seal her in almost 48 episodes.)

Shido: I..... I will seal her!

Then he went towards Kurumi to ask her on a date.

Y/n: *sigh and shrugs*Big talks, less action.

I then went towards the rooftop.

???: Yesterday Mana Takamiya reported something strange about you, Y/n L/n.

I looked towards the source of voice and found Origami.

Y/n: What you are talking about?

Origami: Don't talk like you are innocent. Tell me who you are really?

Y/n: Why should I?

Origami: I am asking in a easy way but if you want an hard way.

She then took out her gun.

Y/n: Then try to hit me if you want.

I then started moving forward.

Origami: What?(Is he walking towards his own death?)

Y/n: Well Well Origami what type of information I can give you every information but only one chance.

Origami: Then tell me on 3rd August-

Y/n: Expect for the one responsible for your parents death.

Origami: Wait! So you knew!? Tell me!!!

Y/n: I can't.

She was having a very angry expression.

Origami: Tell me were you the reason of that fire and my parents death.

Y/n: No.

Origami: Then tell me!!!

Y/n: Origami I can't now but on 2nd November I will tell you so please.

Origami: Why that much long!?!?!?

Y/n: Because you have to do something before gaining that knowledge.

Origami: What I have to do!?!?

Y/n: You will knew it soon.

Origami: I am keeping your word L/n.

Y/n: Off Course Origami.

I don't want to tell her knowing her she could sucide.

I then left and then Origami realised she wanted to ask me something.

(Timeskip brought you by chibi Y/n having a spar match with Shido.)

I was now in my home laying on my bed.

Isekaid Male Reader X Date A LiveWhere stories live. Discover now